A little buoyancy opens the gate to abundant possibilities.
3 min readMay 5, 2024
The need is to see what is unseen by others.
Every day, you get opportunities to discover yourself. The great personalities of the world have shown how they were successful in describing laws and formulating codes of how to live better. Hidden things were known to the people by practising thinking a little deeper and being somewhat radical in their approaches.
Most of us are not ready to sacrifice time and energy to discover "the unknown" and expand the well-being of others. They are self-centred, as they don’t know for what role they exist.
"Research is to see what everybody else has seen and to think what nobody else has thought." Albert Szent, Gyorgyi
The above concept is strengthened by Marcel Proust, who states that the real voyage of discovery consists not of seeking new landscapes but of having new eyes.
Most of us look at things as others explain them. Not ready to change the track of looking. Differences happen only when we start thinking analytically. Our "being" comes into focus only when pondering any matter or issue.
Pondering is a regular mental exercise, but people keep it as if it were reserved for genius.
Pondering is missing in our everyday thinking. We are living in the old days designed by ancestors—some relevant and more irrelevant in today’s scenarios.
In most of my writings, I emphasize that everybody is born to do something noble to their credit. As many are suffering from the fear of incapability, nothing happens.
I got motivated when I found the quote from Galileo, as follows:
"I have never met a man so ignorant that I could not learn something from him."
We’re dealing with the complexity of scholars and ignorants, not recalling how an ordinary observation of falling fruit downward paved the way for framing the law of gravity. Though fruits had been falling on earth since the beginning, no one was there to ponder.
Likewise, I mustered the courage to face the failings of my life when I spotted the saying "Mistakes are a portal of discovery" by James Joyce.
We are afraid of failures more than other sorts of fears.
We are not ready to correct ourselves. We always justify our thinking and actions, despite knowing that we are harming ourselves more in this process than others.
In the absence of passion and interest, one can hardly move forward. Fashion (in styles) is far-catching for people who are happily lagging in passion and creativity.
"To invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of junk." Thomas Edison
The world is changing rapidly on account of the vision of the few who are aware of their roles on this earth.
People are working on seashores, in mountains, in deserts, and in space, apart from increasing food production, ensuring good health, preserving the climate, and ensuring all-round safety, but millions are unaware of all these operations.
Present status
Almost all of us are chasing conveniences of the highest order, year after year, and proving supremacy in" accumulating stuff," one after another, but not in invention and creativity. Is it not a concern for immediate attention?
What is preventing us from believing we are born to be contributors, whatever the scale, not to remain stuck in consumption and just have a handsome appearance?
Just think and act in your chosen field. Believe in your capability, which is still dormant.