a short walk towards self-assurance.
We all need confidence to deal with the issues that arise moment by moment. A person may be a homemaker, an entrepreneur, a practitioner, a student, or an administrator, but his or her performance squarely depends on some essential factors.
The first is knowledge. We argue and show ugly emotions because we don’t know the issue in detail. Knowledge is an acquired skill that never appears all of a sudden. We may know things in abundance every day if we are eager to seek knowledge from people we come in contact with through daily communication, events around us, and so forth.
The second is preparation. Skill is one thing, but the use of skill varies from case to case. Say we have to deliver a lecture before a large gathering. Despite being a regular speaker, she requires special preparation to fit the occasion. We have to face an interview. Preparation is not the same for all organizations. We have to prepare as per the requirements of the organisation.
The third is experience. Experience is more powerful than being knowledgeable. When we face situations, one thing we certainly gain is experience. Experience is one of the essential ingredients of our self-assurance. It is the antidote to our nervousness.
The fourth is failure. Nobody likes to come back empty-handed from any endeavor. Loss breeds disappointments. , we have to think differently and say "no" to setbacks as quickly as possible. In our failures, we have learned about our own errors and omissions, which are to be addressed before going on to the next attempt. Failures are the steps towards our success.
The fifth is persistence. To assure ourselves, just look at toddlers struggling to stand up. Notice that he or she is not in the mood to give up until accomplishment. In any stage of life, we have to follow this principle. Persistence is more effective than being proud of intelligence.
These are the few steps to nurture confidence in getting our objective fulfilled. Remember, confidence is one of the strong tools to conquer fear of any sort.