Be aware of our "thinking".
Our thinking is the pivot of who we are today. Our thinking today will determine what we may become in the future. Most of us have no idea of our own sort of thinking. It is a fact. So, being aware of our ways of thinking is sine qua non for all of us.
We have absorbed many things from our surroundings since the beginning of our existence. As a normal process, too much is negative, and too little is positive. It is obvious that a good number of negatives are to be replaced with positive attributes as we age, for which a variety of rituals and practises are part of our daily activities. The outcomes are negligible because we are unaware of what is to be achieved. When we go to the gym, we know it is for keeping physically fit. This is not the case for anything we do for mental fitness. Again, remember that our thoughts have to play a central role in enhancing the spectrum of understanding in our minds.
Our power of thinking has the power to create waves of miracles. A mind is never empty. Something is in mind for processing every time. When inputs are inferior, outputs are bound to be inferior. We attract many unpleasant news and views from the environment simply because our mental frame is ready to provide space for such negative inputs.
We must know that deadly sins like pride, avarice, lust, wrath, gluttony, envy, and sloth are more or less present in our minds and are strong barriers to making a better version in tune with the matrix of humility. We are fighting against these internal evils superficially. Some dents are possible if we change the mechanism to hammer out these negative features from our minds with full force.
When we divert ourselves to pondering, mending, experiencing, and learning every day, our mind is not free to absorb wrongs, which are plentiful all around. Most of the time, we may bring some positivity to our hobbies, habits, or routines. Small efforts will yield huge benefits in a week, a month, or a quarter. We are reluctant to change. That is why nothing tangible is happening.
Let us keep track of our lines of thinking. Monitor our self-talk. Arrest the oscillation of our thinking in negative territory. It is a matter of practise. It is a matter of repetition.
When we decide on only one formula, say "no wastage of time," from now on, miracles are bound to happen. When we insist on learning something every day, no force can prevent us from going forward. We can say that by simply applying a few changes to our thinking processes, waves of accomplishment are sure to occur.