Being a new version in a new year
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There has been a lot of talk about the arrival of the new year. Good wishes pour from all sides to be happy and prosperous.
Indeed! Good wishes stimulate good feelings to be better than what we are in the year ending.
Like a year, every day is a new day, full of opportunities, in real-life situations. We have to grab them. So be specific about what is to be improved. Pursue them day after day with love.
We are free to celebrate any occasion, depending on how we interpret it. But never leave it only up to the celebration. Struggle to make this occasion to add something good to our lives. Make this special day to make our lives noticeable in the coming times.
All individuals are required to specify what is to be done in the days ahead. But some common observations can be considered to make the coming year, in fact, prosperous.
Irrespective of age, gender, literacy, or experience, all agree that without action, there is no change. We need some ideas and then get them implemented for expected outcomes. We need to act every day for the maximum number of conscious hours.
For ideas, we have to be alive to phenomena. Ideas never require a special set-up to emerge. It happens anywhere to anyone, in any condition. In no way, any idea is inferior.
Goals outline what is to be done, but ideas explain "how" to achieve them. In the new year, as usual, keep in mind that ideas make unknown paths known.
All of us are required to have some short-term and long-term goals before us. Otherwise, roving in the dark will be a meaningless exercise. If there is no goalpost, we will be wandering here and there. There is nothing to concentrate on. Avoid this situation. Set measurable goals, not absurd ones.
We have to keep going. We come closer to our goals every day. All days are useful when we are goal-minded.
We are products of what we had in our minds as the years passed. Many of us blame conditioning. They chose it to cover their deficiencies. Note that circumstances are excuses for those who are not firm in their actions.
All days in a year never happen in the same form. Some are rewarding, some are retarding, and many days ask for patience. Simultaneously, we must know that there is no creativity without sets of failures. Embrace them. Convert failures into feathers of success.
We need to ensure small incremental changes in a year and not a lot in the shortest period. No hurry up to conclude. Be a believer in the process. The process teaches us to stay with those moments and not be eager to harvest before time.
The expanding culture of Twitter and Facebook is drowning many of us and leaving us with nothing substantial in the end. Let us have a few hours every day to boost our self-worth and play with our conscience. Conscience is our trustworthy guide.
The next deviation is mindless consumer culture. Many people have no time to ascertain utility before purchasing. It is creating space constraints in homes, in storage, or outside, apart from mounting extra expenses and unhealthy competition.
We are becoming experts at generalizing even the genuine feelings that deserve our attention. We can’t live meaningfully in the absence of feeling what is wrong all around us by keeping our eyes closed. Correcting one wrong may give a new life to many around us.
We may promote reading habits in people around us. We all know that reading keeps our perspective and imagination changing, leaving our values and variations intact. Incidentally, reading habits are diminishing among the masses.
Many of us are away from natural life. Let us be close to nature, in whatever form we may take.
The mind is a powerful tool. Depending on how we use it, it leads us to a new high or pushes us down to the lowest. Make it purpose-oriented, not directionless. It behaves if we control it.
Studies suggest that there is an urgent need to shape a culture by saying "it is possible" in place of finding everything beyond capability. Hardly a few know that their abilities are beyond measure. Abilities expand with use. Someone may be illiterate, but his or her wisdom keeps others in surprise.
Many of us take a long time getting ready in the morning, feel excessively exhausted in the evening, spend more time on food, are strict in formalities, and have no math of misused hours. Time is the unit of life. Time lost implies sending a precious gift of nature to the dustbin.
We have to hit the success chime repeatedly. Success fades as time passes. Success is the unit of keeping us "new" in all new years.
Keep grievances off our mental record to provide more space for growth. Forget the bad stories of the past and make the coming days happily memorable.
Dopamine is released even if we anticipate something good in our minds.
The habit of expressing gratitude leads us to a world of abundance. Many are miserly in expressing gratitude. Practice gratitude for air, water, weather, safety, health, presence of mind in tough times, caring people around us, freedom, and a series of successes in our own stories.
Accept good wishes and energize ourselves to scale up to a new high. A new high is waiting for our appropriate actions.