Beware of the comfortable life.
We all embrace comfort. We all love stability. We pursue money to add comfort and status. It is not an absurd idea. But certainly an illusion. On the other hand, we all talk about struggle. Struggling is to change the positions from level one to level two to level three, and so on. Struggling is to disturb the stable condition and create another stability. Then how do we adjust between comfort and struggle?
First, consider what comfortable means. In our comfortable zone, there is a sense of safety and security. We follow the same routine and have the same concerns year after year. We also get bored from time to time because of the repetition of activities. However, we prefer to stay in the same condition and with our kith and kin. The reason is simple. We have many fears in our minds. We don’t to leave our nest, because of a lot of uncertainties. We may not get food of our choice, we may not avail ourselves of good shelters, we will have to face an unknown culture, and we may be rejected by the new conditioning.
There are people who opt for struggling due to the fact that there is no progress in a stable position. Some of us believe that mankind was made to struggle, from the days of hunting to the present days of global networking. The options for growing are rapidly expanding. Changes are taking place everywhere, and staying in the old ways amounts to inviting our own peril.
When we opt for discomfort, we are indeed seeking the next level of comfort. Thus, discomfort is like a ladder to facilitate reaching higher floors with better living conditions.
The comfort zone is like an ivory tower when we stop looking at the discomforts of others. We are satisfied and accept what we have as our destiny. It is actually a default setting, but being seekers of conveniences, we stop looking forward.
Now the question is: what is the best course for people of different lifestyles? The answer is :
"Say bye to conveniences and hello to inconveniences ". Here is life. Enjoy life in action. We have the physical fitness to do something, not to stagnate. In routines , we learn nothing. Active lives make us wise. Even tiny creatures like ants never sit idle. Birds migrate from one place to another,in search of favourable conditions.
We can surely conquer variety of fears just by daring to face the uncertainties. See what happens. Normally, uncertainty has been found to be the reason for many important discoveries in different parts of the world.
Promise to do something uncomfortable every day. Here, we may find formulas for our own discoveries.