Bridging the gap between exchanging greetings and achieving goodness.
Greetings on special occasions are common, but doing something to mean what you say is rare. Greetings are the functioning of the tongue or net, but going to achieve goodness is a deep-rooted process that includes determination, love, participation, and, at times, sacrifice.
We assume greetings maintain closeness. It is mostly true. But in the majority of instances, it is not intended to create an atmosphere of well-being or goodness on an extended scale for the people with whom we are connected. The matter ends with saying good morning or Happy New Year. The sharing of greetings seldom expands to be with people in their pleasure and pain. We don’t identify or try to identify what can be done to keep faces smiling, at least, to whom we meet frequently.
The process ends on the day of congratulation on the inauguration of any new units of business, education, health, or any other type. We don’t bother to know how to be consistent in taking the endeavours of friends, relatives, juniors, or peers to the next level. Generally, moral support is enough; timely feedback serves the purpose; and they don’t require your time, energy, or money.
When we are sincere in expressing our feelings of well-being, we are connected on days beyond special occasions, and we get the results.
It is evident that the community that is concerned about the prosperity of all members does sufficient to ensure that goodness happens, and they do more than handouts or just greetings.
We are not kind enough, we are not erasing bitterness in understanding, we are jealous if someone is growing faster, and we boast our attitude without showing any greatness. We are sweet in words but not persistent in our actions. Is it not true? Then what is the meaning of good morning"?
I don’t mean to ask you to stop saying, "I wish all the best," but to see that you are translating it into action in a real sense. Formalities are one side of the coin, but realities are on the other side. Love realities in all conditions.
We can take a mother’s love for her kids as the epitome of goodness. We see togetherness when natural calamities strike. We see strangers coming to help when someone is in crisis. These are the colours of goodness.
When we support "haven’t" to thrive, it is an example of our real sense of goodness.
Some people take the sounds of birds in the early morning as the good morning; they get energized, reinforce themselves with the flowers saying "have a nice day" in the paths while walking, and do the maximum for the well-being of all around them. All informal, but all natural.
Whatever is said applies to all, irrespective of class and cadre. People remember your noble deeds, even if there has been no exchange of greetings for years.
Growing technology has made the exchange of greetings just a matter of touching one figure, but, to my mind, largely at the cost of missing the human touch.
Humanity guarantees happiness in the maximum range, not otherwise.
To be real is a normal human function. We have to do nothing extra. But we need good intentions and deep feelings. Life is to do more of what has been done so far. Not wasting time looking for others' flaws.
Let us exchange greetings while keeping their real meaning in our behaviour at every moment.