Creativity is not the monopoly of genius.
The human brain is to be utilised to explore the hidden and unknown. It is another matter that the majority of us are satisfied with the bare minimum utilisation of the power of the whole brain.
We all suffer from the deeply rooted myth that all innovations and creativity are the work of exceptionally intelligent men and women, and amazing things happen in places enriched with resources.
We agree that many discoveries have been made by highly dedicated philosophers, scientists, therapists, astrologers, and others well known to the world, impacting the world globally and influencing the ways of living of mankind in a variety of ways.
But it also deserves to be seen who the figures are behind infrastructure, networking, devising skills, new technology, replacing manual work at all levels, and so forth. All changes are the outcomes of the efforts of common people who were curious to contribute whatever they could.
Going a little deeper, we observe creativity in designing buildings, constructing roads, efficient models of vehicles, devices for cooking, solar items, attire, toys, pens, agricultural practices, and what not.
Great ideas may come to anyone at any place and in any domain. This statement must be taught to all, particularly growing individuals entering the performing world. Innovations and new things are added every day across the globe, and these boons are for all.
People are contributing individually as well as in groups. Nevertheless, one thing is at the core of everything, and that is a strong willingness to contribute. It evolves when we start looking beyond our limits of existence.
At times, novices are contributing more than experts in that field. Experts work within established formulas, but amateurs apply untested formulas to bring new things to light. In this way, new entrants occasionally have an advantage over experts.
To be in sync with the fast-changing world, even professionals become learners as the techniques advance. As the connectivity of learning has grown beyond geographic boundaries, class, and race, opportunities to create and innovate are immense. It is now upon us to make maximum use of those accessible advantages, even in remote places.
No activity is inferior. The unwise comparison makes something superior. We all get opportunities to do something differently. Only people with a deep eagerness to solve the issue or fill up the void by looking at things from a separate perspective can become creative, no matter where they are engaged.
Always remember the learning style of kids at home and do anything to bring it to a logical end, like kids. Today’s efforts are gain of tomorrow.