Deliver more than we promise
All individuals are not equally responsible for their roles in a family, business, office, public place, organisation, or any other setting. It is upbringing, social norms, a frame of rules, competition for recognition, family needs, or self-eagerness to excel that make a person responsible.
When we are responsible, we promise. A student promises to clear a competitive exam in a year. It is a responsibility he or she takes on themselves. Many people remain irresponsible, even in their 20s and adulthood, and this is surprising in old age too.
Responsibility is a major trait that invites a lot of things to go wrong or right in our lives. Simply wishing brings no wonders. Hollow dreams remain fruitless for ever.
The exact opposite of responsibility is carelessness. Some people are smarter and prefer to play it safe. People full of fake fears choose to be on the border instead of the playground. No one can win until they decide to enter the game. Onlookers will never truly realise the strengths and weaknesses of teams on either side.
Another approach is to play the blame game. In this case, a person who is solely responsible for some assignments does not hesitate to say that others are responsible for nonperformance. A head of organisation blames the whole team for a huge loss, not himself or herself.
Irresponsible individuals are afraid of the consequences of their actions. They are indecisive even in their own affairs. They don’t know about risks and their management. They can’t handle unusual affairs.
Life demands that we be responsible. A driver has the responsibility for safe and careful driving. It creates trust. A person is identified when he or she delivers more than he or she promises.
All innovations and creativity are the outcomes of taking responsibility for specific jobs without any pressure from society or larger groups to do so. All progress has happened when someone has dared to go the extra mile. It is more than the specified limit.
Learn to be accountable for our own tasks. Participate in the process wholeheartedly. There is no reason to be excessively afraid if something goes against the targets. The strength of an accountable person is integrity. Threats are many, but winners know how to overcome them. Accept healthy criticism, ignore meaningless comments, and get the tasks fulfilled.