Do something radically different.
Many of us are not ready to go beyond the tips of the iceberg. Our thoughts and actions revolve around what we have been made to believe. We find no need to correct or upgrade in any dimension. There is less learning about our capabilities to do more and more, just by regulating our thoughts.
We are not interested in learning the art of disagreeing, even if all the evidence is available. By the way, we are okay to be classified as onlookers, though the possibility of doing a little better is quite evident.
We have been conditioned to think within the periphery of our regular activities. We are reluctant to accept that one energetic attempt transforms the whole landscape.
We can use a common narrative to ignite our dormant minds. But we keep aloof. We keep ourselves separate from getting the truth. We are repeating old stories without an effort to create new ones. We prefer to look back instead of being in the moment.
We are not questioning ourselves about the status quo. At times we get motivated to accept a challenging task but never persist in its completion.
The networks that shape our lives are upbringing, social norms, schooling, and interactions with the outside world. We keep them largely intact because they define our limitations. We are easy with conditions around us.
It is well established that creativity makes us distinctive. Creativity demands thinking outside the box. We have to dare to do different. It is possible when we learn about our mind power. No doubt, anyone can identify one area to dig with the aim of exploring more than others. Here, the eagerness to be labeled as "distinguished" makes a lot of sense.