Eagerly connect to something bigger in life.
Connect everything we have learned so far with the demands of fast-moving times. Observe the trend. We can have some ideas about likely changes in the environment in the next five or ten years. Set upward goals annually. Keep going forward without being disturbed by unforeseen events. "Action decides our destiny", and this is the universal law.
We have learned reading, writing, geography, history, life science, engineering, music, and so on as per the prescribed syllabus and then entered the practical world, where there are no specified courses of action.
Every day we face unexpected questions, and we react or respond with our own level of wisdom. Sometimes we are happy to handle the affairs, and other times the matter extends or complicates. This is called process in common language, and we pass through these paths regardless of gender, age, culture, or background.
"True life is lived when tiny changes occur.". ------ Leo Tolstoy
We may be at any stage, but we have to go further to seek our true potential. We are surrounded by our own obligations, expectations, recognitions, and messy conditions. All these are to be cherished, and nothing is to be treated as a retarding factor.
We start handling day-to-day issues in an effective manner when we start behaving responsibly. Being responsible in our 20s, we start facing real-life situations in the early phases that nurture our confidence to go where others are reluctant to go. This is my personal experience.
"The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails." William Arthur Ward
Individuals who choose to be realistic connect with something bigger in life. Such people are participants in the process and not simply onlookers.
There are people who are largely satisfied with promotion, expansion in business, a stable marriage, social security, more freedom in life, and other elements of progress. They have reason to be happy. But the general feeling is that the width of life is more powerful than just vertical growth. The width of life includes our actions to benefit others beyond our core concerns. The width of life also includes seeing the world more than our professional lives and prime engagements. These are areas where we can expand our dimensions of living.
We have to assess our growth not on one or two parameters but on horizons of economic, social, ethical, spiritual, physical, and emotional matrixes.
It is said that when things are on track, be grateful for their smoothness. If times are turbulent, think of ways to overcome them while keeping gratitude intact. These are the tools we need to connect ourselves to something bigger in life.
The decency of thoughts is more stimulating than holding degrees or receiving rewards. Life is existence, while our efforts shape it from good to excellence or worse. We have to practise regulating our thoughts and directing our actions to accomplish more than our current position.
We have to come out of our worries and practise seeing wonders. It makes our days more productive and helps us connect with our unfulfilled dreams. Worries are natural phenomena, but our minds know how to lessen their impacts.
"Don’t waste your time in anger, regrets, worries, and grudges. Life is too short to be unhappy." Roy T. Bennett
For many people, there is a huge disparity between what they claim to be and what they are on the inside. Such people find it hard to stand up when they are hit by anything untoward. Be real and see how things work in our favour.
"Each one of us can make a difference. Together, we make change." Barbara Mikulski
When we start taking action, the negativity running through our minds gets narrower. Choose what is to be done and don’t prolong taking action. Believe more in actions and bother less about the outcomes. Outcomes may be disappointing. We have the option to retry and, if necessary, to change the strategy.
There are millions of activities, and people are pursuing one, two, or three. Anybody can excel in his or her chosen domains, provided they set the goals higher and higher without diluting necessary obligations even fractionally.
Action adds, while worries subtract from our gains. And the best way to dilute worry is to intensify our actions.
Real-life situations force us to devise new formulas for dealing with them every day. In math, one formula works for decades. We have formulas for all sorts of math. Life is not formulated like math. Life is full of puzzles. The more we solve, the faster we grow. Difficult play shows the paths towards the bigger picture in life. Allow our senses to modify our perceptions every day in all walks of life.
My life is happening right now as I am writing this blog. My endeavour is to share our ways of connecting with something bigger in life. Making this moment the best is my job. It is equally important for me not to expect too much from readers when they respond. I know that nothing great happens in a day.
Our abilities are largely unexplained and unexplored. It needs constant action, even if we classify ourselves as less capable.
Keeping the conditions aside for today, do everything to be outstanding. Repeat this spirit infinitely and see scaling up in lives beyond measures, in a year, two years, or with a little extra time.
We are all capable; it is true. It is also true that we can’t be on the same level. Thus, we have to seek our own level at the highest.