Eagerness for identity triggers our actions.
When we are called by name, we feel more closeness. When we are recognised by the crowd, we feel elevated. It is our identity in smaller groups or large assemblies that makes us distinguished. This identity takes a long time to reach a particular layer. Just like the water table, our identity or reputation also goes up and down depending on our intensity of involvement in our main occupation. Humans prefer to remain in groups. They intend to participate in the activities of their choice. Typically, they don’t tolerate isolation. To maintain recognition, they remain alert in all situations. This is possible until we are beneficial to others, either directly or indirectly. So it is imperative to keep upgrading ourselves in sync with the times. When there is a depletion in recognition, we must find a way to evolve in other domains in a short period of time. We must develop some suitable traits to enjoy living together. When someone is reluctant to recognise us, it indicates our lowest point in the circle of our influence. Our self-esteem provides the necessary strength to revive our identity in the same domain or another domain. In any condition, it is our responsibility to keep our self-esteem alive. We have to make ourselves valuable in the eyes of others. It is a turning point, and we have to turn in the proper direction. Be internally strong. We don’t know our own strengths until we face challenges.