Empowering people to eliminate the unwanted and ensure possibilities
The biggest misconception is that we believe we are wiser than others. We have done nothing remarkable except claim the biggest achievements of family members, close friends, or even remotely connected individuals. The question is how to correct such illusions. During childhood, such wrongs are common. Where there is no exposure, anyone can claim anything. Even in adulthood, such errors persist among many of us. Actions determine our images in public. Ask such people to accept small challenges and fulfil them. Starting small empowers a person to believe in his capabilities. Capabilities are intangible, and they require actions to make us believe them at first. We don’t know our own strengths, simply because we take pride in the actions of people close to us. Withdrawing before taking minimum actions is like a contagious disease in mediocrity. This mental deficiency does not allow for progress even in known territories. Limited food habits, highly selective dressing, restricted talk with outsiders, insisting on particular amenities, and an overall unwillingness to change limit potentially powerful individuals in powerless groups. It is obvious that people differ in their competence. It does not mean that a person is born to live below the acceptable line. At times, unknown figures identify talent in a person that proves to be right when he is assigned with higher responsibility. Empower the folks in our surroundings. It is the duty of high-ranking figures to pull up the individuals, who are unaware of what they may be. A child living in a slum has done well when he has a big aim in life or when somebody has encouraged him to do something that is impossible today. A man has many weaknesses and many strengths. Ask the people in our circle to unfold their strengths. This mechanism helps to delete the weaknesses from the mental frame gradually.