Every day you are writing stories of your life.
The pages that you will fill up ahead are blank.
As we grow in responsibility, the impact of our actions becomes more transparent. In my assessment, some of my actions taken so far are excellent, some are bad, and a lot are just fillers.
My own stories in the phase of 20s and during the phase of 40s are remarkably different. In the former phase, many steps were taken, least bothering of consequences. In the latter phase, consequences are considered invariably and deeply.
Beyond my 40s, I intensely map the range of consequences of my choices—like my social connections, diving into unknown territories, upgrading my abilities, handling setbacks, the influence of motivations, the impact of facilities, interdependence, investments, laziness, defensiveness, and many more.
Stories are made of actions flowing with some patterns.
Consequences bring your actions—right or wrong—into focus.
Great stories happen only when one dares to be away from usual patterns and embrace what is happening (no mixing with wishes).
When a child living in poverty gets the top position in tough competition, this becomes a headline story. Because he has proved that abilities boom even if facilities are at their bottom.
When people around you are highlighting demerits in things you are planning to do, wisdom demands that you enlist the merits in them and go ahead.
You hear the noises around you and get many negative vibes out of those adversities. You stop to think twice.
These are not more than social knots. When you are in search of solutions, you will untie the knots instead of just talking about such bottlenecks time and again.
Your decisions are a reflection of your choices. When choices are constant, novelty in actions is often missing. Your stories are unattractive.
Your choices are the grounds of your stories.
"Like it or not, the word evolves, priorities change, and so do you." Marilu Henner
If you classify your stories as unremarkable, change the choices.
Ask yourself why such choices exist. You will find the cues.
A positive factor is that one can change one’s attitude, perception, and even beliefs.
Further, one can stay with foundational values, though people around are uncomfortable with such traits.
Say you are sticking to being fair in all your dealings regardless of gain or loss.
Yeah, it is a good background for good stories, but my personal experiences demonstrate that it is not easy to be. At times you have to pay a heavy price for being honest.
Stories happen in deviation, not in paths crossed by many.
"Without deviation from the norm, progress is not possible." Frank Zappa
Your outright experiences are your stories. Nonetheless, remember that your experiences of years ago are not enough to draw big conclusions in the present scenario. Conclusions are likely to be flawed.
If you have assessed the power of the inner self in your 20s, your kids might be more dependent on outside forces at that age. Kids, if not guided about inner power, possibly will toe the unhelpful societal lines. This will adversely impact your choices too.
Days ahead are opportunities to fill up with better stories. Pages are blank.
"Create a life by design, not a life by default.". Lora de Vries
Life is to live with design. If you are known in public on the strength of the good names of your ancestors, it will keep your inner power suppressed. The need is to redesign your lifestyle to be tagged to your stellar performance.
On your actions, people must acclaim! Wow! You have done something noticeable and impactful.
When there is no action, there is no story.
I am taking a harsh example to create big pictures in the days to come.
"Defensiveness is a defeat. Never defend yourself." Leah Raeder
The above adage confirms my actions in the past when I got blamed without my fault. When I abandoned to defend myself, my attention was shifted to accomplishments of tasks in place of consolidating reasons for explaining why it had not happened.
In this process, my inner power got the space to grow.
Refuse to live superficially and strive to be substantial in the niches you are in.
Even saying something helpful or harmful are stories in the name of who said it.