Expanding our perspective is a must.
The opportunities around us are available but our narrow perspective does not allow us to grab them. Perspective is how we perceive our lives and all the events we see or hear from moment to moment. Perspective is like power of electric bulb. Raise the power to get light into a larger space.
We may be educated, but our perspective may not be elevated. Perspective begins to form in childhood when we pay attention to what our elders and others with whom we interact say or do. These things are captured by our subconscious minds, and we use them for all practical purposes.
Now the question is how to expand our perspective to make our lives more effective and influential. Some common steps that have been practised to enhance the power of perspective are:
First, we must accept that our beliefs and understandings are not final in all respects. We must cross-check our perceptions and conceptions with what we have learned so far. Sometimes, we are surprised to correct ourselves because it was part of our core understanding and dealing with people.
Second, the world is too vast, and our learning is too limited. The need is to add something to our knowledge on a day-to-day basis and also unlearn things that are erroneous and simply myths.
Third, if we are crazy for upward learning in a particular field, we must spread our horizontal learning too, continuously. Someone is an expert in a legal matter, for example. He is also in need of knowledge about food habits, preventive measures, parenting, and social norms.
Fourth, we must come out of specific lifestyles and understand different conditionings, even if they are a little awkward initially.
Fifth, we must shift from traditions and obsolete methods to being technical and digital to keep pace with changing scenarios. Now we are reading ebooks and transferring money digitally. More changes are sure to happen soon.
Sixth, migrating people are more open minded than people living in a particular setting from childhood to adulthood. Thus, meeting strangers and visiting faraway places bring dramatic changes to our perspective.
Seventh, it needs to be a habit to get the ambiguities and confusions clarified instantly. Now, in this information age, we have factual data and details in less than a minute. Holding something in our minds on the grounds that it suits our values and beliefs reflects the extremes of our narrowness.
Eighth, the curiosity to explore what is impossible today is a highly powerful tool to explain how our own limitations are robbing us of the purpose of our lives in the current century.
Ninth, there is no last step for many creative individuals. There is no full stop and no final arrival. They keep going miles after miles and again beyond that. Thus, perspective expands with each mile of onward march.
Tenth, we do house cleaning, take baths, and wear clean clothes daily; we must do something to clean negativity from our minds, not occasionally but regularly.
Eleventh, we must be good listeners, even if the matter is not so significant today.
Twelfth, documentaries are most informative and may help to eliminate our narrowness.
Thirteen, when face-to-face, gets our doubts cleared so that whatever we are feeding our minds adds to our fact-based knowledge.
There are many other tools to broaden our perspective. It is upon us to choose what is most effective in the given situations. However, it is an internal process, and we must not allow external forces to do our job.
Perspective is the end result of all the good and bad events in our lives. It changes as we encounter new situations or do our own practical work. When we enter a new city, our persisting concepts are replaced by new ones automatically. If people follow discipline in waiting lines, entering auditoriums, or getting on trains, we learn it just by looking at them. We now behave differently.
Our thinking processes also need input to work. The quality of input determines how we shape our perspective. So we intentionally divert our eyes and ears to capture maximum positive things so as to obstruct the free movement of negative thoughts like fear and worry in our mental frame.
Our perspective determines the quality of our lives. A change in perspective is a sure way of changing the meaning of our remaining days on this earth. Let us make it a point to lead our own lives in tune with our dreams.