Explore living on our own terms, not imposed.
It is my life. I have to shape it as I wish. Looking back, I felt elevated when I owned a higher level of responsibility, regardless of the nature of the tasks. I got energy when my mind roamed "Why am I any less". Step by step, it was proven that background is not a barrier. Getting the support of others is just a concept. I took lessons from the events around me. I studied people who were blaming others for their backwardness. I inferred that they never explored their own stuff and strength.
When I was interested in challenges, I usually reached a new high. In areas of fear, I was a prominent loser. Now I recognise these things as common laws. Things are amorphous; when we work on them, they become meaningful.
I now strongly believe that I can have a purposeful life, irrespective of my role in the social order. I also affirm that it is never too late to have space in large landscapes. I can now say that there is no short cut to getting experience and internalising self-acceptance. I have to notice our own sparks. Imagination works if we venture.
The sunrise of today has many messages for everyone on this globe. The segment of individuals who care about these messages has grown rapidly. Some days may be turbulent, but using these days as a vantage point makes further actions more fruitful.
"Thinking will not overcome fear, but action will," says Clement Stone.
Rumi says to unfold our own myth.
Education alone is not sufficient to handle social or family issues. Our mindsets need fresh input to remain energetic and forward-looking.
We see what we choose. We hear what is pleasant. We are selective and partial in our understanding of the world around us. Just keep seeing the unseen, hearing the unheard, and understanding what is mysterious. It is the best way to shift from a closed mindset to a vibrant mindset.
Expand ideas, which are more powerful than facts. Identify connections between diverse phenomena.
Fear primes us to "forget everything and reenergize.".
Never say it is our best piece of work. Just say what has been accomplished. When work ends, ideas expand. Continue honing the power of observation.
I have been open to expressing my feelings since my schooling. It helped to grow on stable footings. The sense of being different from others started evolving under varying conditions.
I practiced being natural abundantly. It was a source of my confidence, even in challenging moments.
Now I understand that every day is a blank page, and I have to make it memorable with our actions. I take special care of fertile moments like mornings and solitude. The moment my body moves, my thoughts start flowing.
"He who seeks beauty will find it". says Bill Cunningham
I go through my old note books and refresh myself to perform the tasks ahead. It is like a mental tonic. It reminds me of my life to make it noticeable. I also try to remember moments of shifting my ways of thinking. This exercise is still in focus.
What my peers, superiors, and juniors are thinking about my daily activities makes no deep sense to me, so I go ahead with what I am doing. I used to think differently, not aligning with like-minded clusters without bothering much.
The outside world is selling their vision through the media. It is growing. It attracts even sincere people. It is a source of distraction for many. We must continue our own creativity in the midst of all these lulls of distraction.
If someone is not working to explore herself or himself, it is most likely that she or he is leading a shallow life. We are not here to succumb to our surroundings. We are not here to follow the trend without knowing why. We have to learn how to dwell in diversity and discover ourselves.