Nesar Ahmad Siddiqui
4 min readJan 17, 2024

Extract the calibres that are still out of focus.
You have the power to make your presence felt, wherever you are.
You have the power to examine the reasons for good or evil, correct or incorrect, and that is why humans are classified as sapient.
The examination of life grows as we age. Above 60, it is an opportunity to shine in any domain with more freedom.
I know many people close to me who do not bother to make use of their mental, physical, and economic fitness to lessen the suffering of people in their close surroundings, or there is no creativity or no effort to eliminate negativity. They are stuck with the well-being of a few in their family. 
"To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people just exist. Oscar Wilde.
In childhood, we learn how to build a life; in adulthood, we handle the odds of life and search for smoothness; and it is only after 60 that we get an opportunity to revisit the spots that were lost in the complexity of life.
I feel that life is much more than saying hi, hello, hey, and huh, even if there is sufficient net worth.
"True abundance is not based on our net worth; it is based on our self-worth." Gabrielle Bernstein
Self-worth is all about exploring our unused calibres. Questing is the habit that leads you to the right answer and adds to your worth. You come to know the dots between the present and the days ahead. These dots show opportunities to accomplish more.
It is your life, and you alone decide whether to shape and reshape it or keep it unfinished. Unfinished means not going beyond your niches relating to livelihood, including sitting, meeting, eating, and criticizing.
People are slow to live once they are out of their main activity and just assume that there is nothing to be done for "others.". They feel there are sufficient arrangements to take care of their personal lives. It is enough.
Since infancy, we have all grown with different programming. For some people, pivotal is values; for others, it is success. Some people are crazy about accumulation, and there are hardly a few who think "giving" is a sound choice.
The crux of this topic is to go the extra mile and fit yourself to fill up the blanks between the gift of nature and people starving for it.
There is a divine plan, particularly for those in old age, but it reveals itself only when you keep yourselves striving. In this process, we may come to know the reasons for living longer.
I know you may be anxious to be specific about what is to be done, but in reality, it is to be identified by the person intending to be different from the crowds. Anything suggested by friends, relatives, or mentors may not be appropriate in your setting.
The field may stretch from cleanings to planting trees to boost literacy, to working for the downtrodden, to making people skilled, to adding conveniences in remote places, to empowering women, and the list goes on.
It gives me pain to know that people are rich in earning money, but women in that society are illiterate, even in this digital age. These sorts of serious discrepancies deserve our attention.
Humans become complacent once they are capable of meeting the basics of life. This amounts to denying the opportunity to live life fully. Success normally breeds a sense of fulfilment, while many miles are yet to be travelled. Wealth does not guarantee the fullness of life.
You are born alone, live with many, and will again leave this world alone.
However, you may compel people to see what has been added by you to the scale you found in the early days of life. Even passing good manners on to the next generation and educating people to express gratitude for everything may be an impactful contribution.
"The average man consumes what the wise create." Maxime Lagace
Just count your daily requirements and also have an idea of where they come from. Once we start looking from this angle, you may confess where you stand today and to what extent you can be involved to make things better.
Slogans remain just noise in the absence of action. We are born to act. We need to go beyond boundaries drawn by social conditioning.
Living a long life is an extra blessing. You can play any role until the curtain of life is pulled down.
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Nesar Ahmad Siddiqui
Nesar Ahmad Siddiqui

Written by Nesar Ahmad Siddiqui

Hungry to know, excited to share and be connected with you with my feelings, thoughts and ideas. Common words with uncommon impacts.

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