Fears are the force that keeps us fighting.
Our minds spend their time on memories, wishes, threats, enviousness, gladness, fears, doubts, stories of winning, and feeling sorry for losing.
How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives, is a famous quote by Annie Dillard.
We are all yearning for glory. But fears in our subconscious mind are not allowing us to dare. Social conditioning has made us more fearful. Thus, fear is a constant companion in human lives. We are born with fear and live with it.
Once I had glanced at a mighty quotation of Seneca (given below), I learned that there is no way out except going with more or less fear.
It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare; it is because we do not dare that they are difficult.
Evidently, allowing fears to dominate is a sign of a weak mind, as the above quote conveys. Worse, foolish people think they need freedom from fear all the time. On the whole, only a wise person learns to live with fear.
For any adventure, we make a picture of the consequences, particularly how others will feel about our actions, and most likely we drop our ideas simply considering this fact. The individual daring to face the negative comments and keeping ready to tolerate the consequences goes ahead and normally comes with tasks accomplished.
Likewise, fear of defeat energises a person to plan anything meticulously and execute the scheme fantastically. In such instances, it is fear that acts as a catalyst.
I have personally encountered an intense crisis, and from there I got the strength to win in my own scheme of things. Crisis means unfavourable conditions, and strength means doing something in spite of them.
People who keep talking about people, resources, and unfavourable conditions miss their goals and ambitions. Such people are reeling under their fears and feel it is final.
There is always a vacuum in any field. As we are afraid, we seldom try to fill up those vacuums through current information, correct interpretation, and rays of imagination.
Where there is rote learning, a system of grading, and a focus only on one’s own domain, fears prevail, and such people accept defeat before going into the depths of the obstacles.
Ordinary people live under the pressure of tough social norms, misconceptions, a lack of support, inferiority, and so on, while people free from such limitations make things happen and show the ways of actual living.
Fear does not allow us to make mistakes. Without mistakes, we can’t learn. The solution is to go ahead in spite of the possibility of erring.
Fear asks us to know the barriers; courage reminds us that we are capable of overcoming them. Thus, fears function like alarms, not like gates closing.
Never think that we are alone in facing these hardships. Hardships are like signals that ask us to wait, move slowly, or go at the same speed. They are never dead ends.
Daring is half the battle. Execution compiles the processes. Daring despite fears really converts possibilities into realities. Again, let us know that fears simply create challenges so that we can raise our energy to face them with enough force.
It is also true that there are an abundance of unreal fears that are based on wrong assumptions, negative stories, obsolete theories, and harsh emotions. Once we achieve our goal, we come to know that more than 50% of our fears are hollow.
If you don’t risk anything, you risk even more, says Erica Jong.
Clearly, even if there are threats, we have to face them. Denying the power of a storm means getting destroyed by that storm. Working on safety is the only solution.
The need is to dig a little deeper in the given situations instead of looking just at the surface of the matter.
History suggests that the greatness of all recorded individuals is associated with the threats they faced and conquered. In other words, threats were the reason to be a great force, and they did what was impossible for others.
Ponder this fact: there is no reason to fit in out of fear when we are born to stand out.
Happy reading.