Finding our own best friend is great for us.
Let us try to solve this riddle.
Relationships, friendships, and leadership vary from situation to situation. Addition and deletion happen throughout our lives, with different feelings from time to time. We are happy when something good happens; otherwise, we are not.
In all stages and all ups and downs, what I missed was knowing who my reliable friend is. I sought support from family members, teachers, mentors, facilitators, peers, and juniors to get the work done but never dared to ascertain a real friend. My friends X, Y, Z, and others were, of course, dependable, and most of my relatives were highly caring, but to a limit.
I lost my time winning and losing, praising and blaming others, but I did not find my real friend. I read about self-love, being empowered, and self-worth but never understood their deep meaning.
I rarely check what I am thinking, as if it is not under my control. As my maturity grew, I started thinking about my own strengths. I summed up by saying that it is my strength that is always there in every step of my life. Every time, I am more than any of my friends or well-wishers. I am blessed with everything that is required to grow in any field. Why not embrace myself for who I am?
I have to take the lead in my life. I am responsible, whether it is winning or losing. My strengths lie not in the masks of fame, identity, and status. They are transient. Then I inquired about what was with me in all moments of life, irrespective of whether things were good or bad. I learned that my strengths make me a better version every year, not outside factors.
When I say "I," it includes body, mind, and something deeper inside. It is up to me to use them as I decide. They are under our command. As I moved forward in any adventure, all doors were found open. When I rethought, it was not for me; the door was found shut.
We all live with some drawbacks. They are part of processes, not obstacles. Once we classify something as an obstacle, it is an obstacle; otherwise, it is not. I was astonished to find that, as my strengths unfolded, my weaknesses went on shrinking.
The significant question is how much time I am sparing for this real friend. Am I grateful for what I have? Honestly, on rare occasions and casually, I say it was my strengths that worked.
My body is underutilized, my mind is only fractionally applied, and my "self" is still a puzzle because I am looking at what is regularly happening and not on my own strengths to make things happen. It is necessary to know that my inner friend never betrays.
I am not happy at this moment. I am not talking to myself. I am not questioning myself about what and why. It is to believe that no outside power can make me happy. When I am sure, it is my decision, and the deficiency or shortfall is not the reason for my unhappiness. I deny being unhappy.
Making our inner selves stronger is the best tool to make ourselves better. I know I have to work hard. I have to look inward more than outward. Friendship with ourselves is the panacea for anything to which we aspire.
I am thankful to the writer for a book I am reading these days to make my life better. But it is I who am reading and trying to learn something useful. A book is a tool, but it can do nothing alone. I am committed to getting the benefit and will finally get it. So it is again "i."
I possess sufficient strengths, and I can achieve my dream. Praise a real friend who is not other than myself, and acknowledge others for their support and being together.