From bad to good—an engaging adventure—and it happens.
Choice is the fuel that keeps our lives running from good to bad, or vice versa.
It is established that our frame of mind is a mix of good and bad in different proportions. It varies as we grow and decide to modify them. Good and bad are classified on the scale of prevailing norms and the cultural spectrum.
Our dresses, food habits, rituals, social fabrics, interpretation of events, peace, enmity, progress, adaptability, and freedom all depend on social articulation over some time.
Our behaviours construct our images, though we learn many things from varying sources before entering practical life.
Practical life means a change of status when we start deciding many things and taking on higher levels of risks and responsibilities, often independently.
In any case, there are a lot of gaps between what we learn as values and principles and the strange ecosystem we face in real life.
Life seems like a player, who knows all the rules, but doesn’t find it convenient in application and finally lags in delivery.
What we read in a book and what we experience in circles of family, friends, well-wishers, neighbours, and authorities are significantly at odds.
Many times, problems arise, and they can only be solved by applying new formulas. Days pass without passing a real exam. Rather, our minds prime us to get adjusted anyhow or live in distress or illusion.
Now, let us go into some details:
Well, we don’t have control over what happens, but the way we deal with it is always in our hands.
When we live consciously, many unwanted issues are nipped in the bud. Haphazardity is not acceptable in the arena of conscious living.
Conscious living includes our ways of eating, walking, conversing, making agreements, making promises, showing openness, acceptance, tolerance, sacrifice, empathy, caring for others, the relevancy of our actions, and so on.
Remember, all good traits are cultivated. Bad behaviours come to life without effort.
But the moot point is whether we are ready to change ourselves from bad to good.
Our desires have no boundaries. There is unending debate about the distinction between goodness and evil, both at the macro and micro levels.
Once we are allowed to play freely, ignoring codes of conduct, even simple matters get complicated. Then, mostly, ego and emotions dictate the direction.
Roles change as we grow from youth to adults to old in the social systems of operation.
Irrespective of education, experiences, and lifestyles, keeping oneself on the right track demands fighting with one’s perceptions, fears, assumptions, and aspirations every moment of the day.
This power of fighting against one’s feelings, expectations, sense of competition, desires, lust, and priorities determines on what track one is moving—good or bad.
In this battle, some are fulfilled in morality and humanity, and the majority are fulfilled in power, possessions, and preferences.
Overall, a few are seeking peace in difficulties, while many are evading inconveniences altogether.
Even in a family, members choose differently how to lead a life. It all happens as they find a way to fit in.
Experiences suggest that, in the end, morals win over materials. Materials lose their shine, but morals remain ever-shining.
When we are firm about getting changed, it happens.
Choose a life running towards goodness, both in intentions and actions.