From panic to peace, it is a function of thoughts.
The human race is sensitive and gets disturbed when something goes wrong or occurs unexpectedly. Jrerk is sometimes too intense to manage other affairs in an orderly manner. No doubt, it is the working of psychological processes, but our day-to-day observations are enough to highlight what happens and what are things to imbibe for attaining normalcy.
1. It happens to all of us.
2. It is not granted that everything will fall in line with our expectations.
3. It is the moment of test of our ability to ponder into matter and avoid reactions. Remember that sudden reactions spoil even manageable affairs.
4. Cross-check what has actually happened.
5. Possibly, the matter has been misinterpreted.
6. Ways are open to correct the situations.
7. It is a time to learn from mistakes and not repeat the same negligence or wrongs.
8. Don’t allow the happenings to disturb our mental and physical health.
9. Go to experts and seek their opinions, if any.
10. Avoid cursing ourselves for not taking decisions on time.
11. Mistakes are not sins.
12. We are required to take measured risks every now and then to ensure progress.
13. Initiate corrective measures without allowing time for worrying and pretending.
14. Once out of the woods, get relaxed and start living as usual.
For more clarity, take an example. Somebody has lost his job. The remedial measure is to make all-out efforts to find another job. Since the loss of a job was unexpected, the disturbance is too high. As the economy grows, uncertainty is also increasing. Nothing is here to be panic. Simply, it is a matter of keeping aloof from realities.
Panic makes many of us powerless. When it prolongs, it damages our ability to reemerge.
Note that we have to travel from panic to peace as quickly as possible. A person has fallen down. It is usual. But he has decided not to stand up. It is his decision.