Get awareness elevated from something to everything.
Our fullness of life depends on the magnitude of our awareness. Simply put, awareness goes far beyond our information and knowledge. People with sufficient knowledge are not necessarily adept at dealing with the realities of life. Knowledge is not a power until it is applied to solving issues relating to personal and professional activities. Awareness includes our abilities to introspect and imagine. Individuals dealing with people of varying strata are always better than those attached to only bookish knowledge. Awareness normally helps keep emotions and reactions under control. Life is to be lived purposefully, not superficially. We are less stressed when we know how to live in tune with the laws of nature. Awareness keeps us close to ground realities. An experienced person is barely drawn by the misinformation and fake conditioning. We are believing many things without getting them cross-checked. It degrades us in the matrix of our awareness. Going to new surroundings, attending conferences, and participating in seminars all help boost our confidence. Confidence comes because we are aware of the pros and cons of matters affecting us directly or indirectly. Data are knowledge, and making use of those data in our profession, business, research, and projects on hand constitutes awareness. Weather forecasting is an input for knowledge, and making all preparations to meet those situations is an input for awareness.