We have no time to meet aspirations like gardening, visiting historical places, caring for "uncared people," swimming, horseback riding, reading best-selling books, charity, learning cooking, and so on. When we have time, we don’t know what to do. During prime time, we keep our preferences ahead and making money is almost at the top. Of course, money keeps life moving, but unilaterally. Money is necessary, but life is much bigger than that input. Money provides comfort, but life unfolds in discomfort. When we love our work, we get both money and mental domain to grow. There are hardly a few among us who have been enjoying their occupations, as if their hobbies. It is during our leisure hours that people think of some hobbies. Then they get a way to express themselves. Hobbies fill up the hidden blanks in your lives. It reveals what kind of person you are. In active life, many traits are suppressed. You get spare time in youth and adulthood too, but you waste this valuable time meeting the same set of people in the same environment without any clear purpose. It amounts to the killing of precious time. It is happening to all classes of people. Once you are away from active life, you don’t know how to make the most of the free time abundantly available to you. Wisdom attests that hobbies are not only great fillers but also give direction for living a long life. No matter what you are and what you are doing, you need to move step by step to learn any skill, accomplish a task, shape a career, be an expert in any field, or get hobbies. "In their time away from work and the hassles of daily life, people tend to display their passions and personal interests. Sometimes, hobbies can reveal a lot about their personality." David S. Walton Hobby simply implies being engaged in something for pleasure without intending to make it a livelihood for sure. "People never learn anything by being told; they have to find out by themselves." Paulo Coelho For hobbies, the above quote is most appropriate. Hobbies may be of any sort, from walking in the morning to being a motivational speaker. Hobbies are a little more than a habit. Brushing teeth is a habit while playing a game is a hobby. Habits are meant to be in readiness, while hobbies are meant to make us fresh, energetic, and free from stress. Many a time, hobbies have turned into professions, and people have owned them without extra pain or pressure. Examples are musicians, dancers, singers, artists, and so forth. At any stage, we may create some hobbies to eliminate emptiness in our lives. Gardening is a hobby that is easy to connect but highly rewarding and fulfilling. Writing is another hobby, but it demands persistence and tolerance. In the absence of hobbies, we get distracted most often and come to nothing, passing years and years in hollowness. When we track our activities every day, we find the slots for killing time by visiting restaurants, being glued to serials, and playing video games. We may add any fruitful hobby in that space of time. Leisure is not a waste of time. It is time to get ourselves re-energized. Sleeping is essential, but not for extended hours. Talking is necessary when relevant topics need to be updated. Revert if excessive talking has become a hobby. Revert if meeting friends to pass the time has become a hobby. In the case of loneliness, work on some ideas and some possibilities; do not be limited to worrying and labelling worthlessness. We are born to make an indelible mark on this earth, in whatever form we can. Hobbies are an essential part of our grand living.