Getting offended is not painful until we match our response to that level.
Practice flipping the right switch to keep darkness away.
Nobody is free from ups and downs in life. Complexities are the norms of life.
Simplicity is a mechanism to handle all odds of life, small or big. But it is hard to learn.
The more compelling are paths, the possibility of finding thrills in life is almost certain.
We judge before we act. The hurdle is here.
We must worry about what was apparently hard to try, and we opted to "no try." We imagine the whole mess before encountering even small setbacks.
Who is faulty—situations or our lack of courage?
We live in the family, society, or larger landscapes full of differences in opinions, principles, and even values.
We get perturbed every time.
Because we forget that:
Differences are not to defeat someone but an opportunity to think differently.
It is my experience that I used to have taken the happenings personally and have suffered immensely.
Reading a variety of stories for years has helped me a lot to watch things calmly and understand what a storm is and how it subsides quickly, without any effort to control such a calamity.
We are not reflecting on what we are gaining every day—like coming back home safely, attending to morning routines undisturbed, cooking done smoothly, or having a nice get-together.
We read toxic news and get drained and disturbed.
What is the cause of such darkness?
It is our choice to read all nonsense under the mask of awareness.
They (outsiders) earn as they design to spread their thoughts. We lose, becoming part of that design.
Trees having no strong roots are thrown on roads, not deep-rooted.
We must be deeply rooted (in insights and firmness) to defeat the designs of grouchy people.
It is practically possible.
Epictetus narrated that while we can’t control external events, we can control how to respond to them.
Most of the time, we deny the realities to get relaxed. It is a gross error.
Accept the realities and face them strongly.
At times, we just assume, "I cannot," but when we do it, we feel elevated.
At times we compulsorily do something when there is no option. And amazingly, there is no trouble.
People residing near rivers learn swimming not for health, but they have to go to the other side of the river frequently. It is a compulsion, and things happen.
It is an example of coping with situations. We get easily triggered and show frustration, anger, and defeat when winds blow in the direction opposite to our wishes.
Here the problem is in our unsound expectations and not in terrible happenings.
Take full responsibility and thereby expand your ability to face the toughness in your paths bravely.
Focus on areas where you can make a visible (response) and invisible (intentions) difference—you need both at a time.
Learn how to adjust and readjust in awkward circumstances. If so, you will not bow before happenings.
Great people have faced mountains of troubles and seas of darkness. These obstructions have made them great.
In this process, the first step is to modify the stories you use to tell yourself in solitude.
A day stays only for 24 hours. Then it is another day. Again, next is the third day—all with a difference—more or less.
Start a day as if it is an opportunity to redesign yourself.