Give space to feelings through writing.
Writing is a skill. It is learned. This skill is upgraded from normal writing during the study period to the publishing of our thoughts, emotions, and feelings in the advanced phases of our lives if we opt to do it.
All individuals are in a position to speak their native language or other languages. Speaking is a home-made skill. But only a few can write to express themselves and make their thoughts known to the public. It is to be learned and practised for a considerable period of time.
While listening, we may not be attentive. During the course of speaking, we are attentive, but it may not be methodical and strictly in order. In writing, we transform our inner voice into words that we choose. We make it systematic and presentable to meet the needs of target groups or larger groups of readers.
In short, writing is tougher than listening and speaking skills. At present, audio and video are common tools of communication. However, writings in the form of books, periodicals, blogs, or otherwise are preferred by individuals of varying grades and tastes across the globe.
More people need to be writers of their stories, experiences, observations, and imaginations. Acquiring knowledge year after year serves no purpose until it is made known to the masses. Hoarding knowledge is like hoarding the rarest commodities to meet the needs of a very few.
In fact, writing is a major source for raising awareness on a massive scale. In all epochs, people have ensured progress as per their degree of awareness. When writing was unknown, changes happened at the slowest pace. Writing and printing have given a huge boost to our learning processes. Now it is the digital age, when things spread in seconds on an unlimited scale with accuracy.
When we decide to take note of events and share them with the outside world, it is a great service to mankind. Writing becomes easy as we make it part of our routines. Here, too, consistency matters.
Writing happens as a natural process once we place our fingers on keys. Our store of data and knowledge come out in words. It requires knowing things in detail and with clarity. The moments we complete something as article ,essay , reports, graphics, or pictures give us happiness of a special kind.
Writing is a creative endeavour that requires the highest level of concentration. At times, things are improved and modified to remove ambiguities and make the senses and meanings clear.
We are still referring to the writings of great scholars and what they taught this world thousands of years ago.