Go upstream and notice the miracles.
We are born to make a tangible impact during our lifetime. It is therefore critical that we work tirelessly in our chosen domains. Added to this, we must see what can be done other than downstream. Downstream means adhering to the same patterns and procedures and coming to the same outcomes, as the majority of us are engaged.
We have to go upstream. In simple words, it is an inquiry into the sources of origin or the roots of problems.
To amplify the features of downstream or upstream processes, we may consider the following points:
1. Think differently. Think a little differently than herd mindsets. Think analytically. It may look vague initially, but once the husk is removed, shining grains are visible.
2. Discuss solutions. Normally, we devote maximum time to stretching the problems, and we end up with problems. We keep our minds tied to consequences and hardly free ourselves to find out the causes.
3. Don’t be superficial. Develop the skill to go into details about personal, professional, social, or economic issues affecting our living conditions.
4. Face resistance. Many of us drift at the mercy of waves just to avoid resistance. What happens. They reach west instead of their intended goal of reaching south. Using the oar, it was easy to reach the exact point, keeping the direction of the boat under control. In life, it is our wisdom and openness that work well, just as the oar works for a boat.
5. Be daring. Life can be ups and downs, smooth or rough, success or setbacks, rising or falling. We have to be bold. Situations may be different, but we have to keep our mission intact. Note that situations never remain the same for a longer stretch of time.
6. Expand wisdom. It comes when we act. When we keep hammering, we learn where to strike the hammer to get the result. Then we learn that many hammers were ineffective. Use our minds more than our hands.
7. Remove meaningless narratives from the minds of growing generations. They may be in the old ruts. They may be at odds with the changing scenarios. They are downstream. Ask them to inquire about the roots. Encourage them to go upstream.
8. Know the details. We know less and conclude everything quickly. Reverse it. Know the details before arriving at first-hand conclusions. Correct the conclusions once more details come in.
9. See the wonders. Start loving the wonders all around us. They are not just to change our moods and bring short-term joy; they are to change our angle of looking at this world and our tiniest lives in it. Once we stay to look into anything, nature starts revealing many things.
Our lives are miracles. Our minds are more powerful than many computers. We are endowed with varying blessings. It is our responsibility to make our lives not only beautiful but beneficial to many on this earth. Don’t allow even one day to be useless.