Handle emotions carefully.
Emotion is produced in our mind similarly to thoughts. Emotions are mixed blessings. It may ruin us when it is out of control, but it may help us take the right steps when we use it properly. It is more powerful than our knowledge and intelligence. Let it be handled carefully. Emotional minds drive the issues more forcefully than rational minds. Despite such a force in emotions, people are least aware of its dimensions and impact. Even highly intelligent people take impractical steps when they are emotionally charged. They become inhumane when emotions are allowed to reign freely. People start behaving abnormally at once, and matters go out of control within moments. We fight like enemies in no time. There are ways to let go of our negative emotions. We should practise responding, whatever the intensity of the situation. Instant reactions divert the normal debate to the abnormal zone. We should keep in mind that nothing can be decided with a war of words. We should have sufficient input to convince the opponents of our views. Arguments deprived of suitable substance serve no purpose. Let the matter be postponed for another occasion. We must practise the art of listening. We refuse to listen to each other when the discussion becomes heated. Even losing a debate is not going to be the end of everything. The presence of misunderstanding and mistrusting each other derail everything very quickly. At times, many prejudices also play an ugly role in making the situations beyond correction. When alone, think about the colour of emotions and our own changes in voice and body language in the whole scenario. Practice being in control even if others have done everything to provoke you and insist on hurting you. Identify the triggers that are instrumental in making things worse. Change the place when emotions are high and sit in other surroundings. Take water. Guess the collective mood, and listen more than you speak in adverse situations. Wait for another meeting to reply decently if the matter is beyond the normal level of acceptance and tolerance. It also happens that we take a decision to exhibit our talent and competence after getting challenged by relatives, friends, elders, and others in our circle. Here, our positive emotions push us forward. It is worth repeating that playing with emotions requires as much care as playing with fire. Take care of your own feelings about the people, places, and powers before entering into any discussion, and be in control of your emotions at all times. It evolves with consistent practices.