Happy talking small, but who cares?
(No one talks about this.)
Talking is the most prominent activity of every day in our lives. We talk for a specific purpose. Purpose can be achieved in two minutes, but the majority takes ten times more. It is common for people who bother less to value precious minutes and hours. This habit is as bad as overeating.
In business, relationships, friendships, and discussions on other platforms, small talk is effective, but we knowingly make it lengthy and vague. Listeners are curious about the essence of talking and anxious to gain something from the talk. At the same time, the speaker speaks without touching the core of the issue. In such a situation, apart from consuming more time than is warranted, the purpose of talk is also lost somewhere in the webs of words and expressions. It is tiring, too.
Talking is not to entrain the moments. Talking to the point means saying something important.
Just imagine a talk between a therapist and a patient. The patient is there to express abnormalities, and the therapist is interested in knowing the causes. All the words and expressions of the patient are considered by the therapist to diagnose the problems. Deliberations are pinpointed and focused. There are no meaningless stories other than the issue at this moment. Sometimes therapists intervene to keep the talk on track and touch on reality. The therapist got the genuine points in five to ten minutes. The purpose is achieved. This is the power of small talk.
Gossip is different from genuine talk. In Gossip, there is no specific topic, no transaction of genuine facts and figures, slandering about third parties, free from accountability, and mostly entertaining. Normally, it starts with problems and ends with problems.
In real talk, we try to get the solution. A passenger comes to the transport authority with a problem. The issue was resolved in five minutes. There was no space for lengthy explanations. Both were interested in solutions, and purpose was achieved. Short but meaningful.
In recent days, people have been talking lengthy on their phones, though the purpose is to know how they are. See the costs: time, energy, pressure on the system, important call waiting, and so on. Facilities are not to be misused.
To make our talk forceful, it is necessary to highlight points and conclude with the same force without making the talk messy. It is possible only when what, why, and how are covered in the short deliberation.
When we talk about the points already noted on screen or paper, the points are explained swiftly, keeping both sides happy. No time is wasted.
Self-discipline plays a major role in avoiding excessive talking. While attending lectures, good listeners take note of the talk to serve their purpose, even if speakers add extra.
At times, we talk more just to please either side. It does not empower our talks. Rather, it dilutes the purpose hugely.
Some people are skilled at completing their version in a few words. They select the right words to express themselves. It is an effective approach. Result: compact talk with more clarity.
We talk in an instance where we intend to cover up our own faults or deficiencies. It is a clumsy trend and needs to be curbed.
There are people who prefer to talk about distractions so as to keep urgent and pressing issues in the dark. We have to be careful of such bad talk.
In short
Be a good speaker and a sincere listener. Stay on relevant points and don’t feel empty once the talk ends. Save time for other assignments on hand. Learn how to talk meaningfully. It is a skill. It makes an impact. It is a means to attract people for mutual benefit.
Talk smartly, not largely.