Here is how to be consistently ahead of many heads surrounding you.
Achieving distinction is not as hard as it seems.
Every day you hear and read words like passion, ambition, determination, motivation, coordination, aspiration, and many other magnetic words.
In this digital and technology-savvy world, only a few people are growing swiftly, but more than 95% lag in education, economic conditions, wisdom, and facing the realities, and surprisingly they are okay in their fixed mindsets.
I am not talking about "competing with others" as commonly observed, where people compare themselves on parameters like money, status, luxuries, comforts, and fame.
This article highlights how one can grow on their own, unfolding their abilities—a gift that is still partially opened.
How setbacks, failures, criticism, and finding no clues provide a fresh impetus and strength to keep moving forward.
The only condition is "never give up and never stop halfway."
Any process goes step by step. Anyone who got an education—it was class by class; skill formation happens gradually, wisdom comes slowly, and trees take years to bear fruits.
So say "no" to hurry up.
We are jealous if ordinary people become extraordinary, instead of believing in our own strengths that are not yet tapped.
Most people are unaware of their own strengths. And so they continue to search for something outside.
Perception determines how I look at my place in this world. Sadly, I grew up till my 20s with the notion that perception is a fixed characteristic.
It is obvious that when perceptions are formed, they can be reformed and upgraded in all stages of life.
Nobody is born as "an icon in literature." It is acquired over time through a vision, reason, and not looking backward.
Never consider that the environment is not allowing you to go forward. It is just your thinking, far away from realities.
You have the power to create the environment you need. It is possible by leveraging things that are under your control.
It is noisy outside. Don’t curse it. Change your seat of working where there is no noise and get your work done.
Noise is not a problem. Taking noise into your consideration is a problem.
Just start going to the office a little earlier to be free from regular traffic jams. Use your early arrival to read a few pages of the book in your bag.
During leisure time, maintain a distance from toxic people who are well prepared to keep your mind polluted.
Don’t bother with what others expect of you. You are likely to deliver more than what they hope from you.
Keep delivering more than you promise.
Make it a point to grow every day. Walk extra miles every year. A distinction year after year. Expertise in home cooking is a distinction. Learning a new language is a landmark in your life.
Concentrate on tasks that matter the most to you. Distractions are killers of your abilities, but common people are easily triggered by elements of distractions.
There are no boundaries in the sphere of learning. Never feel you completely know what you need.
Learning helps to grow your competence, as watering does for plants.
The secret of being ahead in herds is to look where people in the same milieu are overlooking for the reason it matters nothing for them.
A new book in your hand is keeping you engaged for half an hour while your colleagues read not more than the cover page. It keeps differentiating you from others in the whole journey of your life.
Keep your hard work unconditional. Just do what you aim to do.
No play of game—for winning or losing. No matter what happens, you know how to grow every day.
You are on the path ahead of survival. Maybe a good number of individuals are struggling for survival. It is also true that they have accepted sedentary lifestyles and nothing more than consumers for all necessities.
Question yourself more than questioning others for anything wrong.
This habit pays in all conditions.
Remember that intelligence helps to grow, but it is less than half of your total strengths.
A simple habit of concentration does more to support your endeavors than being tagged as intelligent.
A challenge seeker is often ahead of people who are comfort lovers.
Challenges demand more effort and stamina (see athletes), but rewards are too big—a complete source of fulfillment.
Keep filling in the blanks as they appear, and you are ahead of many slow movers. Many are unaware of their hollowness.
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