Hope is a force that keeps us moving.
Life is full of twists and turns. We can’t predict exactly what is going to happen next. Many of us feel frustrated and clueless every now and then. They don’t plan anything, even for the short term. They don’t know how to live life fully. They are surrounded by negativity all around. This is not a correct perception of life. Setbacks are common for all. Some people dive; some survive; and a few thrive. In all these disappointing situations, hope is a force that keeps us going forward. Hope is not to be viewed as a long rope, but it is to be seen in all the steps we take every day. Rise in the morning with hope, attend all chores of the day with hope, sleep in the night with hope of a better tomorrow, and so on. Take trouble as a means to push things in the right direction. Going four steps forward and three steps backward is a positive sign. Hope also helps us have patience. Efforts are in our hands, not outcomes. Believing in our own capabilities surmounts all obstacles. Ignore the comments of other people while facing critical situations. Hang on with hope when nobody is beside us. We must not talk about problems every time. Be in the company of courageous people and learn something from them. Courageous people possess a tremendous amount of hope in all circumstances.