Identity is transitive, and reclaiming it is not easy.
We are known as teachers, professionals, administrators, farmers, advocates, clerks, students, aspirants, and by other tags. When the position is shifted for any reason, we do everything to re-establish our identities again and again.
It is easy to get adequate recognition when movement is upward. Once the career path ends because of age, unit closures, or other major setbacks, many people lose their hope and identities all at once.
How to begin in a new situation is a challenge for many. When we are fit, it is stupid to treat ourselves as unfit. Whatever we do, we keep our identity alive in the background at all stages, and our motto is "never limited by finances." In middle age and onward, there is a compulsion to earn more to meet the necessities. Once income is stopped, for any reason, we are labelled "invalid," and we lose the charm of living.
The world around us is always wonderful. The spaces are open to accommodate us. It is our choice to adapt to the changed conditions. A large chunk of our potential is still untapped. Our experiences are not less valuable than those of individuals of similar age and qualifications.
Probably we are enjoying more freedom to shine in any domain. In this digital age, many dimensions of possibilities have come to the surface. Talent cannot be denied in any culture or socioeconomic condition.
Let us stand up and prove that we will not allow anyone to classify us as invalid until our senses are supporting us as usual.