Igniting the threads of potentiality to reach beyond dreams.
The term potentiality is widely used but rarely honed. I can drive a car. It is potentiality. I am not driving because of not know how to drive. It is the status. It is a reality today. It can be changed when I adorn the skill of driving.
Wherever we are static, the condition is the same as narrated above for all of us. It is happening in hundreds of things where we are lagging because it is our choice.
We have been gifted with numerous capacities but they have to be activated one by one. We are educated because it is learned in decades. I am capable of writing only limited languages because I have not been pushed to learn more. It was my choice and not my incapacity. There was never a dream of learning five or six languages, in my case. Then who is responsible?
A person who is not dynamic is not deprived of capability. It is a decision. It is true for everyone.
For thousands of years, people have been facing challenges and therefore, minds have been programmed to look for what can be wrong. As a result, we are stuck in old grooves. We are guided by what is weird in our minds. It can be modified through practice.
Self-concepts prevent us from knowing to what extent we can go and eventually, they keep us behind good performers. Sadly in many instances, we don't see beyond family, friends, failures, fatigue and figures.
Looking forward demands a lot of courage, determination, acceptance, tolerance and resolution. Many of us miss them.
The same kind of anxiety or doubt throws someone out of a race and keeps another one ahead. In the first case, capacity is suppressed and in the other case, it is catalysed.
We have to make stories of life like running water. We are not supposed to be stagnant, even for a day.
We have dreams. Fine. But, there is a limitless world beyond our dreams. Some are already working on impossibilities. Why not we? Nobody is preventing us except ourselves.
The majority of us are driven by social narratives. Many are spoiled in selecting careers or engagements because narratives are passed from person to person without authenticity or experimentation.
Idealists sometimes lose direction because they keep beliefs above everything else in life. They are not bothering to discover their uniqueness.
Toppers in any field are not physically or biologically superior but they simply insisted on being a winner and it happened. It is a game of mind.
We may send the stupidity of the past to the dustbin and create a remarkable story, provided we believe that our strength is further expandable. The ripple effect of small changes can bring a big wave in life.
We have to be makers or creators, maybe at the home level, group level or above to be noticed in the social order. To search for our potential we have to go far. Irrespective of age and degree, a long distance is yet to be travelled.
We are born to work on possibility relentlessly and not to be shaped by events, setbacks, waiting, faulty narratives or background. The bright destination is waiting for us in the same way we see a beautiful place only when we move up to that point.