Intention matters, but action matters the most.
Intention is largely implicit, and action is entirely explicit.
Intention is a cause, and action is an effect. Intentions of any type grow in our minds. Seeing a beautiful garden, we decide to do it in our place. It is an intention. When we postponed it, this intention was inert. If it is done, our intention is known to the public. It encourages us to do more.
Our intentions are invisible and transient. We know our intentions more than anyone else.
Intention plays an important role in our lives. Endeavour is a bridge between intention and action.
Even good intentions remain unfulfilled when there is no effort to accomplish what is intended.
The intention may be good or bad. It is not revealed until actions are taken. Many intentions die in the complexities of life.
Our words may express our intentions, or they may not. Cunning people say something but do something contradictory. So believing in words that others convey without waiting for action reflects immaturity.
In our lives, there is an abundance of intentions, but actions are limited. It is a common phenomenon. Let our good intentions transform into realities within a prescribed time.
When our actions agree with our commitment( a strong intention), this trait is termed integrity. A noble person strives to possess this trait, and they are respected even by their opponents.
Intention matters. We are full of intentions. They come to our minds without any checks. The quality of intentions depends upon upbringing, exposure, observation, adaptability, and, more importantly, ambition in life.
As said above, intentions are flexible. In the case of setbacks, we shift our intentions to other tracks. Likewise, small success motivates us to do something bigger.
I intend to spread the message of "exerting for doing better" to as many people as possible, and action is a story like this that I am writing, apart from other activities in this direction. I am on this job to narrow the gap between my level of intentions and the scale of my actions so far.
If someone is money-minded, it means he intends to multiply money. Conversely, if someone is compassionate, he works to extend his helping hand to all who are suffering. It shows how intention determines the direction of our actions.
All walks of life are demanding. Our intentions shape our choices. People take notice of our activities. Both good and bad actions are noted in light of the social, professional, and other prevailing norms. Nevertheless, good actions last a long time in the memories of people, generation after generation.
We remember Edward Jenner for developing the smallpox vaccination in 1796.
Thus, we must do something that has a lasting impact.
"Create a life by design, not a life by default." Lora de Vries.
Intentions design our lives. When we just follow others, life happens, but by default.
"Our experience may have made us the way we are, but we don’t have to stay that way." Joyce Meyer
How intentions have directed lives can be mapped by anyone, taking their example. Preparing a graph of intentions vis-à-vis actions in the last ten years says a lot about my life, and I am tracing it further.
Dig a little deeper instead of staying at surface level. Thus, we may have new intentions.
Redesign intentions and act on them to make life memorable and fit, to be a good example.
One line more:
Scutinize intentions and let them be our catalyst for good actions for all the days to come.