Just doing is not enough.
Around a hundred students were in the same classes for four years but years' performances were quite different. Same environment, same set-up, same teachers but some students were at the bottom and some were at the top.
It is not difficult to find the reasons. Many students were not thinking that just going to school was not enough. They were simply attending the classes. The students who knew why of attended classes were at the top and others who were missing were behind.
This differentiation occurs in all our activities. It is not limited to only the education phases of life. In the professional career of the same organisation, some are successful and others are just so-so.
Just doing something is not enough. The reasons and knowing the purpose are preliminaries. The techniques and strategies make all the difference. When there is a mission, there is a reason. When there is vision, there is struggle and discomfort.
We are not born to play safe on all occasions and remain hooked to our comfort zones. We are engaged in some occupation of our choice. It is not enough. To be in search of further possibilities opens doors to new findings and a higher level of facts.
A mechanic was called to make a machine functional. The mechanic took more than half an hour to understand what was wrong. Just after a hammering, it became functional. That client was given a bill of a heavy amount. The client found it too much for a single hammering. The mechanic explained a negligible amount for the physical process but 98% amount is for where to strike. The client got the point and paid the bill. Where to Strike is a mental game and it is everything.
Thus hammering is not enough. Where to beat to solve the problem is the answer.
We all need to be not simply hard worker or intelligent, being solution-oriented make a person a winner.