Know the purpose of what we do.
Many customs are so strong that people carry them without questioning their relevance in today’s world. People are paying close attention to follow them as accurately as possible. Many traditions have great meaning in our lives, but we have never bothered to know how they become integral to our ways of living. We take meals to extinguish our hunger. We get education so we can know the world better. We go to the gym to ensure physical fitness. There are numerous examples where we know the purpose of what we do. There are practises for which we consume considerable time, money, and energy, but we don’t know what we are supposed to derive from those practices. The point is not to classify them as right or wrong. The idea is to say goodbye to those traditions that add nothing to our moral and ethical standards or boost our inner strength. There are many prescriptions to keep us mentally agile and morally strong, which must be part of our schedule of activities. It is possible only when we have a clear idea of what the purpose is behind it. Poor literacy is the main reason for doing many things without any reasoning. We follow traditions just to get appreciation from people around us and nothing more. By and large, it is unnecessary. There are many other ways to maintain our relationship. Our money is required to be diverted toward more noble purposes. It is just a broader picture of what is happening around us and what the necessities are to correct it.