learning more languages.
Learning more languages means knowing the world far and wide. The mother tongue is a language we learn as toddlers. This is the foundation for learning other languages as we grow and come across the wider world. Now people are more connected on the basis of jobs, business, research, social recognition, and so on. People are learning new languages, keeping their age aside. Being multilingual means increasing one’s own capability to grasp more information from different parts of the world and be extensively informed. Many people evade reading, talking about, and writing about their own ideas and feelings, mainly because of a lack of languages. Anyone can learn four or five languages without extra effort. As we grow older, we take more time to get a grip on any new languages. Impression matters. Let our tongues perform. Learn new words in different languages with correct spelling and good pronunciation as early as possible. It is far better to internalise good speaking habits at the beginning of our careers. People need something more than knowledge and intelligence to convey anything to the masses. Be clear that our brain can accommodate many languages, but we keep ourselves limited to one or two languages as per our own decision. Knowing more languages never creates confusion. Rather, it makes our personalities gladly acceptable to society.