Let the power of creativity be ignited.
We are all capable of being creative in some way or another. Incidentally, we have the impression that creativity is limited to some high-grade men, women, or organizations. This is a misnomer. It is a conceptual error.
Creativity happens in all situations, surroundings, and environments, from the lowest to the highest.
We may be in any class—young, adult, old, educated, hardly literate—but the majority of us are guided by our limitations and negativity. We seldom try to explore our originality.
"Anything new is repulsive because it is abnormal and unreasonable," asserts Asger Jorn.
Likewise, André Gide says that it is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for something you are not.
Often, we miss out on expanding our power to do something new in the rush of doing anything great and enormous.
We know many theories but make no effort to examine at least some of them in real-life situations.
We are afraid to enter new ventures and territories. We love to be in established settings. We are reluctant to deviate from the known track. We avoid being criticized. We want to be friendly in all respects. These are self-created limitations.
Creativity is the essence of life. Life blooms when creativity zooms. Let us keep this fact in mind.
Trying something different at any place of our activities creates spaces to make creativity happen. Many new things are added extensively everywhere in the world, as people are doing something different. This is the reason we are getting into new things in the office, kitchen, farm, factory, construction, decoration, health, education, and other spheres of our concern.
Instead of looking toward ourselves, we think we are not capable. This is a great retarding factor, tagged to many. First, be firm in proving that we can make a difference in whatever field we are in.
Exposure facilitates being creative. We must be keen observers of what is happening around us. Focus brings many new things to the fore. Simply looking at anything superficially will not yield any results. Look at pictures, designs, models, things in a room, pen holders, specs, dishes, clothes, or anything aiming to add something to the things that exist today. Creativity is going to happen wherever we strike to bring about change.
In the current century, things are happening so swiftly that they keep people not only surprised but also believing what was unbelievable years ago.
Let us be a part of the creative process. We are not less. If we save fuel to some extent in our to-and-fro office, it is creativity. When we make the best use of holidays, it amounts to creativity. If we pack something to be intact until it reaches its destination, it is creativity. Creativity, in any form or size, makes a lot of sense to us all.
Bottlenecks are there in all our endeavours. We are capable of handling them and reaching our milestones.
We have to design our habits and routines in such a way that they have spaces for creativity. Tough routines block the room for creativity.
We are not doing everything for profit and loss. We must know how he enters the unknown world, to be a contributor in any way.
The year is ending. Check: Has anything been done in any domain differently? Resolve to make creativity happen in the days ahead, for sure.