Leveraging common sense to unroll common well-being
We’ve been together, grown together, suffered together, and will prosper together. There is something common, but we count less on it.
In all spheres, we use the word common sense. But the deep meaning of this phrase is hard to explain, as I infer. While at the railway station, common sense demands that first the passengers get down from the bogie of the train, and then waiting passengers should enter. Even then, there are instances of unruly scenes resulting in head-on and uneasiness when the train arrives.
Instead of academic explanation, there is a sense of seeing common sense in our day-to-day lives and how to make it beneficial, individually as well as collectively.
It is not that people need to be literate and well-grounded to apply common sense. It is just an application of mind to what the situation demands. Citing occasions for joy or special gatherings, there is careless intake of food, diluting common rules of appropriate dieting. Common sense is ignored repeatedly, and then health hazards become our own creation.
Many sayings of old people are taken as sources of common alertness. They aid in staying on track. Not opening the door for strangers hurriedly has prevented untoward behaviour on numerous occasions. This is common sense.
Common sense is said to be uncommon, but practically, it is not like that. Common sense is the minimum prudence for personal and mass safety, smoothness, convenience, and saving of resources. It means doing anything mindfully. Carelessness causes trouble, as we all know.
Discipline causes the expansion of common sense. Discipline demands, for example, taking care of the comforts of all in a family. It becomes a common rule in force, ensuring a happy family life. No layered treatment for anyone.
All inputs for common sense foster positivity in the surroundings and ensure the pace of growth.
Safe driving is common knowledge, even if we are late for meetings. When we forget, we pay a heavy price. It also reminds us that we must leave for the meeting a little earlier to adjust some obstructions in the way.
Alertness costs nothing extra, but it keeps us posted on what is happening around us. Vigilant parents give better results in upbringing their kids within their routines. Is it not so?
Morals are the background for applying common sense to common well-being. "No loss to anyone from my activity" is a simple narrative but full of benefits for the whole group.
Where there is a sense of learning, there is common sense. Learning leads to ideas, and ideas pave the way for win-win situations. We read about accidents based on silly negligence or harshness. When we go deep, normally a lack of common sense emerges as a common factor.
The need for common sense multiplies in group activities. Therefore, in the above paragraphs, such examples have been elaborated.
Common sense is acquired from varying sources, provided we study the events and circumstances just to learn and raise awareness.
We do many things without knowing the theories of chemistry, physics, physiology, or sociology. It is okay. Nevertheless, in all such actions, common sense prevails.
We need to derive the lessons before jumping to any conclusions. It will enrich our common sense. Read the people( instead of placing time and energy on unproductive activities) to be realistic and practical in assessing things.
Actual life skills are shaped through close observations of events, not through arguments, proving innocency, or keeping aloof.
core of discussion
There may be temporary loss in managing some instances, but gain, in common sense, is a huge reward. There are variations in common sense from culture to culture, but all lead to safety, stability, growth, and cohesion.
Common sense is easy to pick up and ready for application wherever situations demand it.