Listen to our inner voice to unfold ourselves.
The inner voice is common to humans. Most of the time, our inner voice is silent, which is more powerful than our constant conversation with other people.
Our inner voices help us make many decisions. The decisions we make lead us to take actions. People come to know us only when we act. There is no image in the folk when we keep limited to our internal dialogues day in and day out.
We feel either exhausted or excited, not from the nature of work but from feelings inside. When we love what we do, we keep ourselves energised. When we lack interest in our activity, we get quickly tired. Our inner voices support our feelings of good or bad in any action. We usually brand such situations as "mood."
As we grow, our role changes. We need a higher level of awareness. Awareness occurs not only through reading but experiencing the things as close to realities as possible.
Every internal conversation has the potential to let us know not only "what I am," but also "what we can be."
We are all accepting the realities of life sooner or later. When we listen to our voices, we instantly know how to face the challenges ahead, replacing the doubts with dareness. The individuals, full of doubts in their inner voice, never move forward.
Our inner voice is directly linked to our willpower. When our inner voice is limited to willingness, we are in cocoons. Once we decide to give wings to our willingness, it becomes our willpower.