Look, it is our life, and only we can make it worthy.
In general, we are not sure what we truly love, we are not clear about where to go, and we don’t verify the reasons for disliking many things. We are largely dependent on others, even for solving our regular daily affairs. It proves we don’t know life is a precious gift, and it is our task to shine on it and make it distinguished within a finite amount of time.
We seek repeated validation from others for what we do, and we are timid about deciding what is good for us in all our steps. We follow others without paying attention to what we can be and being ignorant about our own inner power, which is sufficient to face all kinds of fears and to win over all sorts of barriers on our roads ahead.
In sum, we don’t know "what I am today" and don’t expand to ascertain "what I become tomorrow ".
Seeking help from others is not wrong, but not allowing ourselves to evolve in the whole process works against building confidence, dealing with issues independently, and growing on our own strengths.
When we decide to shape our own lives, we focus on the factors that prevent us from moving forward and start changing things as per our own plans. We rub an iron rod to remove rust and then polish it to make it shine. Likewise, we have to get rid of laziness, sitting in one environment, living with a known group of people, insisting on particular food habits, and many other retarding factors.
It is our own life, and nobody can make it shine except ourselves. Once we decide on a domain to excel in, we gather information about support systems for execution. Look, it is our decision about domain, our selection of places to work, our stress to settle in new surroundings, and our acceptance of the readjustment of routines. Thus, support is unavoidable, but we get ourselves ready for what comes our way.
In fact, discomforts are a true ladder to make our lives from invisible to visible status and here to make us separate from others. Imbibe it boldly in our minds that "we are not like others; and "we have not to copy the lives of others, unwittingly".
Comfort is an illusion. After some time, even comfortable living becomes boring and burdensome. It goes up to emptiness, and it becomes deeper as time passes.
We purchase fruit and enjoy eating it. The same fruit picked up from our own orchard gives twice the enjoyment because we have put our labour into growing it. It is the result of our efforts.
Circumstances are not our masters. Slowly, they can be modified to suit our requirements. When circumstances are extremely unfavourable, we have to find ways to make our lives rewarding even under bad conditions. Some people are working in extremely cold conditions, while others are working in hot conditions, and people are also working at places where days and nights happen in different cycles.
Complaining about everything is cowardice. Enjoy knowing the unknown, making messy conditions marvellous, and turning challenges into channels to grow.
Be the master of our own lives. Use our own keys to unlock the tremendous strengths inside. Don’t listen to the voices of people full of doubts and fears every time.
Don’t repent too much for wrongs that occur. Wrongs are there to learn something, not to stop. Start doing your chosen work, even if all conditions are not supportive. Don’t be afraid of comments of people in case of failure. All are not climbers on Mount Everest, not because of their health but because they do not dare to do exceptionally well and have feats of life recorded.