protecting ourselves from extraneous talk.
The value of time is known to all, but it is effectively utilised only by conscious people.
Even money can’t buy time, though money is capable of purchasing more and more of our necessities.
Time wasted is lost for the rest of our lives. We are cautioned by all the sincere people around us, from pre-school days on, to get the work done well and on time. As we grow, unfortunately, many of us have diverted from such lessons and learned to pass our time here and there aimlessly, keeping even urgent tasks pending.
Gradually, we meet our friends, relatives, coworkers, and even strangers, and talk to them without any agenda or purpose, even for the whole day. This habit gets stronger, and consequently, we fail to realise how much time we are wasting on futile talks, almost day after day.
Take note of a few tips to save our precious time henceforth.
1. To make life purposeful, we have to utilise all the minutes of a day appropriately.
2. Know the purpose of the meeting before the actual meeting happens.
3. The fact that we have not met someone for some time does not define the purpose.
4. Once the main topic is sidelined during discussion, bounce back to the core issue quickly.
5. Listening is essential in any meeting.
6. Prescribe time for discussion on the relevant issue.
7. Talking about many issues at a time serves no purpose.
8. Avoid lengthy arguments when the other side is not ready to listen.
9. When free from regular assignments, create new assignments to stay productive , regardless of age.
10. Enter unknown territories of activities when time permits instead of passing time on gossip.
11. Learn a new skill, art form, or language when time is sufficiently available.
12. Make reading an essential component of our daily routine.
13. If so, water the plants in the house premises and enjoy all the natural beauty in the vicinity in place of going outside without work.
14. Keep household items in a systematic manner every week or fortnight when free from important tasks.
15. Share good stories with family members and guests on the premises.
16. Memorize something essential for future reference.
17. Recall the vision of our lives and check progress. Prepare ourselves for how to meet the deficiencies, if any.
18. Engage in creativity in one form or another. It may be an activity like cooking, gardening, teaching, or running a minor enterprise.
All points are not applicable in all cases, but some of the above tips are applicable to the majority of our folks, depending upon their circumstances.