Responsibility explains what life is.
While reviewing the slowness or fastness in the lives of people in my vicinity and close by, as well as my own ups and downs, I have come to understand that responsibility is crucial for all ages, whatever roles we are playing, as parent, spouse, sibling manager, teacher, preacher, leader, follower, director, researcher, student, entrepreneurs, or anything else.
Feeling that I am responsible for my life, I entered into my affairs in the formative stage, looking at the happenings all around me closely. That is why my approaches were at odds with others in many instances.
Life without responsibility makes sense, not more than existence. We are born not to simply survive as individuals but to add something that can be done every day, every month, and every year.
Broadly, there are two types of responsibility:
1. Responsibility that is imposed
2. Responsibility that is owned
The first kind is just an arrangement, a system, or a pattern, while the second is performance-centered, emerging from the inner self.
In type 1, responsibility is fixed. Codes of functioning are prescribed. Freedom to explore new ideas is limited. We get paid for what we do. As a team, members are least aware of growth dynamics. The heads of the units are largely accountable.
In type 2, we can understand life as we venture and commit to making differences. Regardless of the domains, we decide to explore many things. We are less afraid of consequences, and knowingly, we own the responsibility.
While taking ownership of any actions, we rely on our own strengths more than resources, support mechanisms, pedigree, and conditionings.
Without doubt, progress has happened because of responsible people, from the epoch of hunting to this date.
Being responsible is a choice. Even in Type 1, there are people who know what it means to be responsible and excel at whatever is assigned. Though they are on the same pay scale, they perform a bit higher. They believe in exerting 100% in all endeavors.
The virtue of being responsible starts to manifest in childhood. A right upbringing makes this virtue grow strongly. Irresponsible people remain in this hook even after growing to adulthood and beyond.
Owing responsibility is an essential feature of having a life with some purpose. Otherwise, life goes on, missing all opportunities, knowingly or unknowingly.
Being responsible means a high level of awareness, hard work, substantial contribution, thinking beyond boundaries, no comparison, and aiming to lead for larger benefits. It ensures win-win situations on many occasions. They understand that life is not without a specific purpose.
Being responsible is not to be better in all respects, but to be better in some specific areas that may be anything from a toy maker to a renowned player in the world. All day is a new life for such high-minded people.
Responsible individuals look inside more than the doings of others and impediments in the way.
They dare to say, "I am wrong," and engage in mending the ways. They are ready to shoulder the burden of others to ensure progress.
Conscience is a great gift to mankind that reveals instantly whether someone has learned to live with responsibility or not. Sadly, the majority of us try to be safe and unblamed, even in genuine activities.
The fear of losing image, income, or falling down is conquered once a person is pursuing what is good in their routines.
Someone listening to others, reading what others have written, sharing experiences, meeting a variety of people, taking risks, caring for others, and believing in being transparent are sufficient indications that she or he is a responsible person.