See-saws of doubt and confidence
Some of us are confident, some are loaded with doubts, and the majority go with confidence and doubts like the play of see-saws.
Ratios vary as doubts and confidence go up and down depending on the circumstances at the point of decision or action. Sometimes doing the right thing is hard because it requires tough decisions. So, there is a see-saw of doing and not doing.
Understanding coworkers, friends, relatives, and even spouses is always incomplete. But it makes the relationship smooth when some points of likes and dislikes are in sync with each other. It occurs for reasons of doubt and confidence. It occurs naturally but can be managed in our favour.
Let us see if the doubts are manageable.
When we look at the bright side of stories, it results in confidence; otherwise, doubts occupy the vacuum in true understanding.
Doubts emerge when we face failures, setbacks, criticisms, losses, and mistakes. Nothing is uncommon. But we have to stand up and face the situation. It is possible only when we are aware of the power of confidence.
When we practice unlearning, many myths are deleted, and confidence gets a chance to grow.
A hypocritical person carries more doubts and therefore suffers heavily. Hypocrisy can be transformed into a powerhouse of confidence once someone starts to live with values and constant beliefs. It requires not insisting on our own mindset but getting it cleansed from time to time.
Anyone may go out of their race in life if doubts are not addressed and confidence is not cultivated.
A confident person continues to be a contributor to the operating social systems, setting aside gender, age, class, culture, and complexity.
The more we perform, scaling up and up occurs on the strength of growing confidence. Know that all eyes are on us and our actions consistently. Achievement is tangible, and it is known to the public. It is appropriate to add that greatness is not free. It is achieved.
The body is strong enough to face the inconvenience, but doubts inside spoil the physical fitness. Minds create a hindrance to knowing the details of anything. As a result, we remain unmoved.
If someone is weak at learning physics, it is a function of doubts, while in reality, physics is almost equal for all.
In day-to-day affairs,hardly a few are endorsing our adventure, and many are ignoring it. This must not be allowed to widen doubts and block our path forward.
Once a decision is taken, be firm and go ahead, keeping aside the possibility of gain or no gain for the short term. Let doubts go down in the whole process. At times, new patterns are brought to light, and feats happen.
Opportunities are invisible; only the force of confidence reveals them.
When we are identity-driven, we look at the world fractionally because confidence is not wide in that situation.
Recall the things that anyone has done in the past that were not easy initially but happened. Confidence made it possible.
Think analytically to get ideas and transform them into realities, using confidence as a tool. When we know the purpose of anything we do, confidence swirls. All these are internal mechanisms.
While looking externally, doubts often make us alert. There is smoke. We doubt it; there may be a fire nearby. We check and prevent major losses. We doubt progress in teamwork. We inquire and find loopholes in cohesive function. So doubt is not always bad. It puts us in thinking and action mode to prevent many wrongs.
Be a maker of even small feats. The ripple effect of small actions can make big waves in life. Create new personal or collective stories of confidence to crush doubts in buds. Make the stories of life like running water.