Staying positive is the hardest task.
We all talk about positivity, and it is invariably suggested as an antidote to anxiety, depression, and losing the charm of life.
It is true that negativity occupies more space in our minds as we start facing the challenges of life. Negativity comes to our minds without any control. We gradually learn to accept the various things, good or bad, as our fortune.
People around us talk about all the setbacks and darkness ahead. Other sources of information, such as news, views, or reviews, are tilted towards negative input. Everywhere, we sense the dominance of might. There is a feeble sound of possibility against the loud voices of impossibility. The cumulative effect is negativity and pessimism.
The fight against this thickness of negativity cannot be won in one or two strikes. First of all, we have to accept that we have allowed negativity to reign in our day-to-day activities. This realisation has been a turning point for almost everyone, as is commonly seen.
Then we have to notice our thought processes. These are entry points for good or bad thoughts. When we are alert, we may not accept some disturbing information as such. If possible, cross-checking will eliminate much fabricated information before it spreads.
We must know that problems are meant to be solved, not carried forward. Action opens the path to a solution. Fear is mostly fake. Even real fear persists because we avoid facing it.
We must look at our blessings and not at the barriers alone, as we envisage. Blessings of any standard are sufficient to deal with barriers of any magnitude. The process of counting blessings is itself a source of energy to handle the issues before us. This is an elementary technique but a sure way to get relief in troubled conditions.
We generate positivity with great efforts but allow it to slip from our grip frequently because we take no measures to hold it. Here, repeating good or positive narratives helps a lot to retain the positivity and belief that all is in our favor. It is to emphasise that action brings more desirable change than thinking alone.
Start taking note of the positive side of any affair, and herein lies the solution to our worrying and other kinds of suffering.