Nesar Ahmad Siddiqui
3 min readFeb 29, 2024

Tact is the act of withholding or promising something for a specific purpose. 
Tact is not the business of irrationality. Tact means the skilful handling of situations, negotiations, or decisions. 
Tact is not the opposite of truth. Rather, it is a mechanism to get the truth revealed at an appropriate time. 
Tact is an assessment of a situation well before things go out of control. On one occasion, I involved someone to handle a sensitive matter. I failed to get the expected results. Later on, I realized that entrusting this job to an inexperienced person was the wrong decision. Simply put, I was not tactful, and so I lost the negotiation. 
 Tact is not meant to conceal something but to postpone divulging some points at those crucial moments. 
It is always desirable to handle knotty problems in groups, relations, corporations, families, or society carefully. In disturbing situations, intelligence demands to restore normalcy first so that the situation is not derailed. 
If two groups are at loggerheads in a society and a wise person handles this issue, keeping the sentiments of those erring groups in mind, it is tactfulness. The third person arrives at solutions, studying the grievances of the group at tussle.
In many instances, we cannot arrive at amicable points by applying forces or threatening with consequences. 
Tactfulness is an essential component of not only intelligence but also maturity. It is a process of reading the minds of erring people by a third person. When parties are somewhere in between selfishness and being extremely cunning, getting facts becomes a hard task. Here, tactfulness works. 
"People with tact have less to retract.". Arnold H. Glasow. 
 Right decisions at the exact time are not likely to be withdrawn. Rather, making hard decisions in a hurry is mostly futile. 
Tact lies in between truth and the peak of any behaviour. It is a march towards truth. 
Doing anything at the right time and in the right way denotes tactfulness. Putting in hard work without boasting is not suppressing the facts. It is prudence. 
Forcing someone to adapt to a new situation seems thrashing initially, but the end is thriving. It is a kind of fineness. 
Take another side of tactfulness.
"All you know is what you think you know, but that is not always what is real." Carrie Vaughn 
All individuals must check themselves to see if they are innocent. Mostly, they play their games, keeping something rubbish in their minds. Pictures are distorted to the extent that they harm both sides. Both sides experience emotional imbalances. Damages go beyond corrections. 
Now look at the third dimension.
"It is better to be divided by truth than united in error." Bruce Bickel 
In the end, truth prevails. Tactfulness works like a rope to reach the truth. 
Wrong is always wrong, though we may take time to accept the wrong. Guilt is guilt, though we may not realize it at the point of occurrence. 
Tactfulness is an approach. A person learns this skill not at once but event by event. 
A tactful person senses the elephant in the room in any episode well before other participants come to this point of reality. 
We apply the techniques of tactfulness in all our daily affairs, but we don’t pay attention to them. We are all tactful, though our degrees vary. 
The application of "tact" is a typical skill. It is applied when a kid is promised a costly item after getting good grades in the next exams. It is proper in the sense of keeping the kid motivated. 
Raise the bar of "tact" in all our endeavours. Improve the quality of tact for better returns.

Nesar Ahmad Siddiqui
Nesar Ahmad Siddiqui

Written by Nesar Ahmad Siddiqui

Hungry to know, excited to share and be connected with you with my feelings, thoughts and ideas. Common words with uncommon impacts.

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