The crown of all traits is discipline.
Why is discipline above all traits? Let us examine this narrative in some detail.
The first step towards success in any endeavour is discipline.
In home, office, factory, journey, meeting, and farming, the greatest emphasis is on discipline.
We are given more respect in any sphere because of our systematic and organised behaviour.
While we are acquiring knowledge, learning good habits, picking up new ideas, and executing our plans, discipline plays a decisive role.
We are working hard, earning enough to meet our requirements, moving onward towards our goal, and building good images at our workplace as we obey not only rules and regulations but give our hundred percent in all our functioning. The core of all traits is discipline.
We accept the pain while getting ourselves upgraded and also keeping an eye on the glitter of the future. It happens because we believe in discipline.
We are grateful to nature, people, and systems every day. Discipline is the backbone of these expressions.
We are able to convert our proneness into capabilities. There is a strong factor working behind it. It is discipline.
We are achieving the goals one after another. The force that has not allowed us to deviate or get tired is discipline.
Most of our decisions are error-free. We do not take decisions in a hurry or during turmoil. It is discipline that works in our favour.
In our honest analysis, we accept the power of discipline, which is encouraging us to grow and go ahead.
We keep our emotions under control. This command comes to us from discipline.
Even a small discipline like punctuality has worked miracles for our performance.
Distractions are kept to a minimum. The reason is discipline.
Our observations suggest that a disciplined person gets more opportunities in his or her career, profession, or personal life.
Individuals who are disciplined in one area of their lives, say, financial discipline, are happy in many other areas of their lives. When we spend money impulsively, it is indiscipline.
To get the importance of discipline in our lives more amplified, we illustrate a few phenomena:
The lives of bees in a hive help us understand the meaning of hard labour and strict discipline.
The earth, the moon, the stars, and the sun are not deviating from the prescribed rules of the universe. All creatures on this globe are getting confidence from these unique, orderly arrangements. We must realise the significance of what is happening around us, naturally.
In this discussion, it is pertinent to mention that self-discipline is far better than discipline imposed. The discipline induced works, but it may be part of our habits or it may not be. So do everything to inculcate self-discipline. It is always beneficial in all circumstances.
Remember one thing. Self-discipline is a choice. It is our design. It is our decision.
Discipline works wonders in making our lives stand out in crowds. Whether it is in the aspect of eating, sleeping, reading, playing, sitting, or talking, discipline makes our identity better than others.