The propensity to look beyond the immediate
We are habitually worrying and expressing concerns about things happening around us. This is a common phenomenon. It is largely okay. But our concerns must not end here. We need to look beyond the immediate.
While in school, we were concerned about higher education. Then we directed our focus towards competition and career. In all these steps, the propensity was to imagine our lives after five years or so. We can certify now that this approach is useful in all phases of our lives.
Nothing happens in a day or a week. There is a gestation period before getting the outcome in any domain.
Things are not happening as per our own design of mapping. No big issue. Accept it. There is no reason to waste our time deciding whether something is just or unjust so quickly.
Once a vision is clear, all efforts are to be directed toward reaching that point. We have to constantly remind ourselves of the vision. Let us review and redesign strategies. Enjoy the paths we have chosen.
Circumstances may be fair or unfair. Unfair segments are temporary, like the night before a sunrise. This is the test of our determination.
In the event of any setback, we start counting our weaknesses. This is not a balanced evaluation. Agree. We must minimize our shortcomings and maximize our strengths. It is also a long-term process. Any mechanism to assess ourselves must end with this statement.
"We are capable, but more efforts are required to achieve the goal."
We must rely on factors within our control. We have to create a conducive scenario. It is possible. Problems are to be addressed without losing sight of goals.
A tall tree allows a strong wind to come and go. Likewise, allow troubles to settle and continue toward a further journey.
Persistence pays. Persistence asks us to welcome adversity. It is part of the whole design of things. Expecting something to happen instantly destroys the energy required for any long-term process.