To be vibrant, you need outings at intervals, plus embracing all mornings.
Let the taxing times be followed by relaxation.
Our mind and body must have a balance of functioning. Working for months and months without relaxation hurts the body, mind, and, finally, your output.
"Relaxation from a business seems to be a necessity to our existence; to take an occasional holiday is therefore not only justifiable but highly commendable." William Wordsworth
It is suggested to relax for a few moments every day by doing something you love, like taking a walk in the open, chatting with fellows of common interest, drawing with kids, or watering plants.
Purposeless scrolling on screens does not fall into this category.
Being unaware of these simple mechanisms, I have suffered, being loaded with work all the time and, as a result, missing the moments of relaxation.
I kept myself away from relaxing hobbies and found no windows to get out of the rut of routines.
I forgot to divide the line between relaxation and the assignments on hand when I was at my peak of performance.
Every morning comes with some moments to get energized and then work a full day. This message has been considered only when many mornings of my life have passed without deriving the benefits.
Now I am not missing a single morning, and I use it to make me fresh every day.
I am still probing why people are missing mornings willfully.
Missing the morning due to oversleeping by many people is not justifiable. Sleeping 6 to 7 hours a day is enough to keep you fresh for the rest of the day.
Melatonin (hormones) are generated during sleep and are beneficial to the mind and body.
It is my routine to get connected with nature by just sitting outside when away from the city and enjoying special moments in the early mornings. In busy cities, it is often not easy to grab the attractions of nature in full, day after day.
Added to this
In a year or half, there must be visits to places for a week to enjoy different surroundings, settings, and feelings. It includes viewing sunsets, waiting for sunrises, a variety of flowers, and hanging fruits, apart from meeting old friends and looking at the old designs of interiors and accessories at ancestral places.
The experience gained in these outings, irrespective of the season, supplies fresh energy to the body and mind. Moreover, the connection with nature works to recharge my spirit, creating space for empathy and strengthening values.
Well-designed travel to new places is the best tool to rejuvenate and then restart regular assignments with greater force.
There is something to make a person fresh, even while travelling by road or rail. The only condition is to glance at things closely and willingly and count wonders.
These are the moments to embrace the unknown and refuel your sense of learning.
"Sometimes the most productive thing you can do is relax." Mark Black.
Relaxation results in an increase in endorphins and serotonin.
Stress is associated with whatever we are doing for income, learning, sharing, preparation, or facing obstacles.
Cortisol hormones are released to lessen the impact of stress on your body.
Too much stress diminishes your productivity and impairs bodily functions. No proof is required.
The point is to keep this stress at its lowest. For this, the best course of action is to change the feeling and surroundings for a few days at intervals, even though engagements are not allowing you to go for outside visits.
"Your calm mind is the ultimate weapon against your challenges." Bryant McGill
A calm mind can handle any turbulence effectively. Reactive brains are most likely to fail at ameliorating situations.
In the end, it is to remind:
☆☆ Plan and execute outings every year, not necessarily at historical places. Revisiting a place of origin has a special charm.
☆☆ Be connected with birds, flowering crops, and ripened fruits. green fields, bicycle riding, and rejuvenating relationships during outings.
☆☆ Taste separate dishes and forgotten menus of the past full of fibre and nutrients.
☆☆ Keep in mind that you have to refuel the mind and body until the next occasion of relaxation.
☆☆ Do justice to your mind, body, and spirit, even if you are too busy.