Tracing positives amid despondency.

Despondency is not the end.

Nesar Ahmad Siddiqui


Despondency is omnipresent in people of all classes and cultures, but it is often high in people who live a low life for a long time. 
Despondency is the loss of hope when circumstances are too complex to trace anything positive that is left. 
It is the acceptance of defeat by individuals, unaware of how they encounter what comes in their way. 
Despondency amounts to a denial of the realities of the universe. If we know the waves of life, we are less disappointed while facing awkwardness. 
Nobody is born without a specific purpose. Our actions led us to that position. 
We must know that falling is an incident. But not standing up again is a decision. It is a point to ponder. 
"Life is under no obligation to give us what we expect." Margaret Mitchell 
Things go against our wishes. Darkness persists for a little longer. It does not mean there is no light beyond the tunnel. 
The workings of nature are complex. Often our eyes are lost in the complexity, and therefore the core of things remains a mystery.
"Every life has a measure of sorrow, and sometimes this is what awakens us. ." Steven Tyler 
We spend the majority of our lives worrying about what has gone against our desires and expectations. We start complaining about trials and errors. This creates despondency. 
Crying happens. It never means the end of all charms in life. 
"Sorrow is but a wall between two gardens." Kahlil Gibran 
Once we demolish the wall of despair, gardens are there to welcome us. People of courage have suffered, but they have not surrendered. 
"I always like walking in the rain, so no one can see me crying." Charlie Chaplin 
It is easy to make superficial changes in our outer expression, but it does not change us internally. To face disturbances in life, we need inner power like perseverance, persistence, and searching for other possibilities. 
Change happens in an individual and in circumstances too when we continue to work despite all odds. 
In the case of setbacks, we use "because" just to guard ourselves from being judged. 
Despite is a sign of positivity, whereas because denotes negativity. 
Maturity demands that one remain calm in the face of adversity. When we know that all situations are in flux and bad times are essentially temporary phenomena, they are going to end soon. 
In disruption, it is helpful to consider to what extent damages may occur; in the meantime, we may work hard to come out of cocoons. 
Take a simple example. When something is lost, we slide into the lowest emotional waves. It is a disruption in daily affairs. The requirement is to imagine what the next option is if we fail to retrieve lost items. 
Commence a new idea at the juncture, where the crowd finds no way to restore the position. 
Remember that chaos happens to push us to readjust situations. 
"If you work on something a little bit every day, you end up with something massive. ." Kenneth Goldsmith 
We need to cultivate optimism. Optimism is an attitude. Optimism keeps us going forward. We wake up every morning with new choices. We must practice the art of seeing the good in the bad, all around. 
If someone is sick, he is hopeful that his health will return to normal soon, and he does. 
In bad situations, people sink to despair, while there are people who swim to the next shore. 
People who are at the forefront were able to turn the atmosphere in their favour. They took the adversity as an opportunity to grow. 
There is no point in losing hope. The power of hope gives strength to stand up. All are tested for stability and ability in one form or another; it is not a game of pick and choose. 
There is some positivity in all untoward happenings, though it is our test to find them or miss them.



Nesar Ahmad Siddiqui
Nesar Ahmad Siddiqui

Written by Nesar Ahmad Siddiqui

Hungry to know, excited to share and be connected with you with my feelings, thoughts and ideas. Common words with uncommon impacts.

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