ways to update ourselves with new versions periodically.
Any action is the product of our feelings. Where we are fully attached to our status quo, there is no probability of addition or deletion in our habits, routines, or patterns. When we accept challenges and enter new environments, we redirect our resources, get a fresh energy boost, and find ourselves ready to see what happens. This is the start of going to the next milestone. So, from one version to another, the broader steps are :
realisation of the need to play a better role. believing that we have sufficient resources. Our own doubts are barriers and nothing else. It is time to change, as the snake gets its cover removed periodically. We are born for a purpose higher than what we are today. Avoiding risk is the worst option. When something new is started, the sky is not going to fall. We have to say no to the present attachments. The trees come with fresh beauties of leaves only after going through tough winters. The status quo is now monotonous, and confidence is eroding.
We are changing food habits, modes of transportation, and communication; meeting an unknown group of people; migrating from a hot to a cold climate, or vice versa. These are sufficient dimensions to establish that nothing is static and that we have to move from one niche to another niche to find all the tasks that are waiting for us.