We are one race but driven by separate identities and authorities.
We have the same set of things, like the head, neck, stomach, hand, leg, tongue, skin, and hair. We are collectively referred to as humans. We take the same air, thrive on water, eat common foods, have the same amount of blood, have the same diseases, and so forth.
However, we are divided and live with different identities. We are crazy for authorities. We have opposite passions. We are at a crossroads on many parameters from time to time. We have love, hate, support, hindrance, and many other behaviours. Even then, the epoch moves on and on with clear upwardness, in totality.
We are quick to label someone bad, and in turn, they classify us as bad simply because our purpose of living and approaches to accomplishments are different. It happened because of different thinking, ideas, histories, and ambitions., and all indications suggest that uniformity, equality, tranquillity, and fraternity will remain under discussion (in the quest for standards) for an infinite time.
When we live in a more distorted atmosphere, we naturally look for solutions, and then the question arises regarding the need for cooperation to attain unity and the rule of coexistence.
"Men build too many walls and not enough bridges." Joseph Fort Newton
We have no problem with walls (separation on many counts), but in the absence of bridges, we lose the charm of humanity. So, we have to have bridges that are well-connected and built on common grounds.
Men are intelligent. Men think. Men feel. The way we use these tools makes all the difference.
"Unity, not uniformity, must be our aim. We attain unity only through variety. Differences must be integrated, not annihilated or absorbed." Mary Parker Follet
What we see in teamwork. People coming from different places with different backgrounds play together with the same end in mind, which is normally scoring high. Their varieties add to the strengths of the team. They are united for the specific purpose of winning, though they have separate orientations. So the purpose of unity is to keep us united in the direction of our efforts.
When something goes dreadful in any part of the world, we stand united (as we read in many records) to restore normalcy. COVID recently wreaked havoc. We reiterated that we have to protect human lives and did everything to bring situations back to normal.
Varieties, in any way, are our strengths, not obstacles. Concrete is stronger because it is made of a variety of materials in particular proportions.
Counting superiority based on heredity, past performance, or unfounded beliefs has been seen as detrimental to peace and prosperity in a larger sphere of human inhibition.
When people are rated based on their contribution to the welfare of the human race, it has never been challenged or likely not to fall into the trap of controversy in the days to come.
We have respect for innovators. We remember philosophers guiding society in ancient times. We are indebted to many scientists. It is their service to mankind that matters, not the place of their birth or the tribe they belonged to.
We like to stay with a rainbow with seven colours. It is a variety that attracts. We love the beauty of gardens, as they are adorned with variety.
So never be envious of variety.
To be crazy enough to go ahead of the masses is desirable, but not at the cost of others. Instead of fighting for limited stocks of anything, let us increase the stock.
We have scope to grow together, provided we embrace varieties.
As humans, our responsibility is much greater to keep the tuning of nature working smoothly even in the toughest situations.
Finally, we are one race in the race of going ahead.